Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, September 30, 1995                   TAG: 9510030022
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Sports Editor:

I am writing in response to George A. McConnell's letter which appeared in Saturday's paper.

I approached Frank Beamer in August of 1994 about the possibility of earning residual income through a company called Excel Telecommunications. He told he would certainly be interested if it would help provide financial security for his family. However, he would not give five minutes of his time to discuss this matter until not only the season was over, but the bowl game and recruiting was over as well. It wasn't until March of this year that he gave me opportunity to talk with him. That's how focused he was on his job.

It is quite apparent Mr. McConnell doesn't know Coach Beamer and his staff very well. If he did, he would understand the long hours and hard work they put in preparing for each and every game. I am not sure you would find a harder-working staff anywhere. So for Mr. McConnell to question this head coach's priorities or his commitment to Virginia Tech is simply a cheap shot.

One should know their facts before making such statements. Anyone who knows Frank Beamer clearly understands how dedicated he is to the university. Therefore, I felt a need to respond to Mr. McConnell's narrow-minded comments.

However, as someone pointed out in the parking lot after Saturday's game, probably the best response to McConnell's comments are ... VA. TECH 13, MIAMI 7.



 by CNB