Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 5, 1995                   TAG: 9510060002
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: E-11   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A Vinton girls fast pitch softball team has won the state championship for the second year in a row.

The "Heat," a team of girls 13 through 15, is one of about 30 teams in the Roanoke Valley that compete in the Virginia Dixie Belles Tournament.

Tom Stuckey, head coach, said his team is one of the best: "A great team and a great bunch of girls."

The team was recognized recently at a meeting of Vinton Town Council, and each player was presented with a certificate by Mayor Charles Hill.

Stuckey told council members that his only regret is that the team has never won a national title. But it has come fairly close twice - in 1994 when it ranked third, and this year when it came in sixth.

The team's roster consists of 15 girls, all students at William Byrd Middle School or Byrd High. The players are Cameron Elizabeth Adams, Letitia Dawn Bohon, Meaghan Elizabeth Cookston, Heather Nicole Gee, Bryanne Kimberly Hamblett, Jacqueline Powers Killen, Lara Fay Nester, Kara Norcross, Courtney Marie Ross, Michelle Dawn Royal, Kristin Renee Shimp, Jodi Lenette Stuckey, Tiffany Marie Tamulonis, Erica Rae Thomas and Brandi Michelle Welch.

Bob Cookston and Eric Thomas also coach the team.

The Vinton team won the title by beating a team from Rustburg 8-3 in the final game of a tournament held at Breckinridge Elementary School in Botetourt County in late July. Also in that tournament, the Vinton team beat the North Roanoke, Halifax and Bedford County teams.

Stuckey said there are four other teams in Vinton competing in the same league, but none won top titles this year. In 1991 and 1992, however, other Vinton teams won four separate state titles in different age categories, Stuckey said.

There is a separate league for teams made up of boys that compete for local, state and national titles. Stuckey said none of them won a title this year.

Stuckey praised the Dixie organization that conducts the tournaments for all the teams. He said its basic philosophy puts high value on sportsmanship and participation. One of the rules, he said, is that every team member gets to play at least two innings in every game.

 by CNB