Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 5, 1995                   TAG: 9510060008
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: E-10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


MELISSA J. RAMSEY and KIA SHERMAN, seniors at William Fleming High School, are included in the 29th annual Edition of Who's who Among American High School Students.

SARAH LENT, daughter of Hilda and Elmer Lent Jr. of Vinton, recently attended the National Young Leaders Conference in Washington D.C. A junior at Staunton River High School, Lent was among 350 National Scholars throughout the United States chosen to attend. During the six-day conference, participants interacted with key leaders and newsmakers from the three branches of government, the media and the diplomatic corps.

BENJAMIN H. O'DELL son of Thomas and Marilyn O'Dell of Roanoke, recently was awarded one of two $2,000 undergraduate research grants from the physics department at Guilford College in Greensboro, N.C. The grant will enable O'Dell to complete a one-year research project to be presented at the 10th National Conference on Undergraduate Research in April.

CHARLEAN EANES FISHER, a former teacher at William Fleming Higfh School, received a 1995 Virginia Alliance For Arts Education Distinguished Service Award. The awards were featured in the spring issue of the newsletter, "Advocate."

LAUREN COOK, daughter of Tina Cook of Roanoke County, was one of 140 students chosen from a pool of 1,500 to represent the state's top achievers and leaders in the Virginia Future Miss Pageant.

Cook received the Above and Beyond trophy for overall friendliness and attitude toward other candidates. The pageant is part of the National Youth Scholarship Program. She is a sixth grader at Hidden Valley Junior High School.

TERRI WORD and WILLIAM HOLLAND, both of William Fleming High School, were among 10 winners in the nationwide White House Conference on Travel and Tourism essay contest.

Holland's essay, which focused on the need to promote the United States to foreign travelers, placed first and will be published in the conference program.

Word wrote about environmental concerns affecting the travel industry.

Both students study in the magnet school's Academy of Travel and Tourism Program. They will receive a four-day trip to the conference Oct. 29-Nov. 1.

 by CNB