Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 5, 1995                   TAG: 9510060028
DATELINE: PEMBROKE                                LENGTH: Medium


They may not envision themselves superheroes, but Giles High School's dynamic duo of Andrew Wagner and David McCall have been performing near superhuman feats on the high school links for the past four years.

The Spartans golf team has posted an impressive 110-17 record since Wagner and McCall first began swinging clubs for the team. During that span, Wagner and McCall have led Giles to two Three Rivers District titles, one regional runner-up finish, and a fifth place showing in the 1993 Group A tournament.

``It's safe to say that we wouldn't have won nearly as many matches as we have without those two guys,'' Giles coach Bob Wilburn said. ``They have been the leaders all four years they've been here. We've built this team around Andrew and David.''

The Wagner-McCall foundation has proved to be a sturdy one. Giles is off to another quick start in the Three Rivers with a 13-1 mark, with Wagner's 74 strokes per match and McCall's 75 stroke average leading the way.

``They have alternated as our medalists in every match,'' Wilburn said. ``One day it will be Andrew, the next day it might be David's turn.''

The close competition between the Giles seniors has developed into a fierce, but friendly one.

``We're like brothers,'' Wagner said. ``We are supportive of one another. The competition between us has been good because it has made us both better players.''

McCall said that beating Wagner is a goal he has in every match, but it is a goal set out of respect.

``He's always been the big dog out there,'' McCall said. ``I want to play well every day out and the competition with Andrew has helped me do that. But it's been a real friendly rivalry.''

Their personal rivalry isn't the only one that consumes Wagner and McCall. Giles appears headed for another meeting with Region C golf power Glenvar on the road to the state tournament. Wagner and McCall can hardly wait.

``Glenvar is a really good team, but we feel like this year we can beat them,'' McCall said. ``They lost Nick Varney, and he was a really good player. They still have some good players, but we think we can win.''

The two agreed that the tournaments they participate in over the offseason have prepared them for the pressures of a crucial regional or state tournament match.

Wagner and McCall took part in the Virginia State Golf Association Junior Championships and the Andrew Haly Memorial. Wagner also competed in the Smith Mountain Lake Open and the Scott Robertson Memorial while McCall played in the Commonwealth Games of Virginia.

``The competition in those tournaments is a lot different from high school,'' Wagner said. ``The guys play tougher in the tournaments and the pressure is a lot different. I played against people from Richmond and Northern Virginia, but from what I've seen, the competition is the toughest in the Roanoke Valley.''

Both Wagner and McCall have expressed an interest in pursuing their golf careers on the collegiate level. McCall said that ideally he would like to play at Radford University. He is also considering Longwood College and Marshall University.

Wagner has talked to Virginia Tech and Radford, but said that his priority is just to play golf for a NCAA Division I program.

``Both guys have the potential to be great collegiate golfers,`` Wilburn said. ``We've been lucky to have them here for the last four years.''

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