Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, October 7, 1995                   TAG: 9510090026
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Flu vaccinations at Lord's Acre sale

CHRISTIANSBURG - The Montgomery County Health Department will provide flu vaccinations during the Lord's Acre sale today from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from noon to 1 p.m at the Radford Auto Auction building on Mudpike Road.

The shots will cost $7. People with Medicare or Medicaid coverage must present their card for proper billing.

For more information, call 381-7100.

Pending program seeks to card kids

CHRISTIANSBURG - The "It Takes Two" program will be introduced at a press conference this Oct. 12, at 11 a.m. The program is designed to make it difficult for teen-agers to purchase alcohol illegally. Alcohol-selling merchants will be asked to request two forms of identification from anyone suspected of being underage.

The Coalition for a Smoke Free Virginia and the American Red Cross are jointly sponsoring the program.

The press conference will be held in the Community Room at the New River Valley Mall. For information call the American Red Cross at 639-2140 or 382-2361.

University group honors woman

BLACKSBURG - Nancy Alexander was the first recipient of the "Community Leader" award. At its first fall meeting Sept. 26, the American Association of University Women chose to recognize Alexander for her leadership in forming the Coalition for Community and for her work on peace and justice issues globally as well as locally including her five-time participation in delegations to Central America.

The AAUW plans to bestow this award on several individuals this year who are consistent with their public policy priorities. The priorities valued by the AAUW include a commitment to high quality education with an emphasis on equality of the sexes, abortion rights, women's and children's health and safety, freedom from sexual harassment and working for equal representation in elected and appointed offices. Individuals considered for the award may not be current members of the AAUW.

 by CNB