Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, October 8, 1995                   TAG: 9510090131
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: GRAMBLING, LA.                                 LENGTH: Medium


A CALL FROM the President and an on-field celebration highlight the historic win for the Grambling coach.

Eddie Robinson did just what was expected Saturday - coaching Grambling State to an easy victory over Mississippi Valley State for his 400th career triumph, then proclaiming himself proud to be an American, and crying.

``I cry more than most people,'' Robinson said after the 42-6 victory. ``For a person like me, today has to be a great moment. It could only happen in America. I think it's an honor when the commander-in-chief of this nation calls you on the telephone.''

President Bill Clinton called Robinson to congratulate him on both his endurance and his latest win.

``I'm so proud of you,'' Clinton said from Martha's Vineyard, where he was attending a friend's wedding. ``What's even more amazing is never missing a game. The American people are proud of you.''

As the game ended, the landmark victory was greeted with balloons, fireworks and dancing on the field in Robinson Stadium. Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards also called to congratulate the 76-year-old Robinson, the first coach ever to hit the 400-victory mark. His teams have lost 145 games and there have been 15 ties, but Robinson has had just five losing seasons while coaching Grambling for 53 years.

``I had a lot of great players and coaches help me get to this point,'' Robinson said. ``Eddie Robinson didn't get here all alone.''

Robinson passed former Alabama coach Bear Bryant's 323-victory mark almost exactly 10 years earlier - on Oct.5, 1985 to become the winningest coach in college football. He moved ahead of Amos Alonzo Stagg's third-place record of 314 in 1984.

``I'm just glad I came to this part of Louisiana and they're hiding me at Grambling,'' Robinson said.

Jason Bratton ran for touchdowns of 17 and 1 yard and by the time John Miller ran 13 yards for the final touchdown with 32 seconds left in the game, photographers, fans and players had surrounded Robinson on the sideline, blocking his view of the score.

Fans and players, even some Mississippi Valley players, hugged and celebrated as balloons were released and fireworks spelled out ``Congratulations Coach Robinson 400 Wins,'' and burst above the field.

The Grambling band formed the No.400 on the field as mobs of fans and players stayed in the stands and on the field cheering the coach who was hired in 1941.

A group tore down part of the goal post before the stadium announcer asked them not to destroy it. Players brought back the post that was broken off.

The celebration on the field lasted over an hour.

Mississippi Valley (0-5) also was the team Grambling beat for Robinson's 200th victory in 1971.

``We did not want to make history,'' Mississippi Valley coach Larry Dorsey said. ``We wanted to delay history.''

The victory came after a week of media attention and hoopla at the tiny north Louisiana school that Robinson worried would cause his team to lose sight of the game.

A scoreless first quarter, with Grambling gaining just 83 yards against a team that gave up 157 in its first four games, seemed to validate Robinson's concern.

In the second quarter, Grambling got its offense, which struggled in two earlier losses this season, untracked. The Tigers scored three touchdowns to take a 21-0 lead at the half.

Bratton put Grambling ahead with a 17-yard touchdown just 47 seconds into the quarter. Jay Johnson ran 10 yards for a second score three minutes later A and Jeff Nichols scored on a 3-yard run with 5:02 remaining.

``When I got up this morning, I was sort of scared,'' Robinson admitted. ``I went to sleep on the projector last night because the offensive coordinator and I had some problems to work out.''

Mississippi Valley has scored no more than 16 points in any game this season. In 39 games against Grambling, the Delta Devils have won only three times.

The Devils' only touchdown came in the third quarter after linebacker Marcus Wade intercepted Kendrick Nord and returned the ball 64 yards to the Grambling 6-yard line. Five plays later, Adrian Smith hit Jerome Griffins for the touchdown. Valley's 2-point attempt failed.


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