Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 12, 1995                   TAG: 9510120082
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


ROBERT SULKIN of Roanoke won Best In Show honors at the 1995 Lynchburg Area Juried Photography Show. Sulkin also won $250 for his prize-winning entry, "For Euclid."

Page Chichester, also of Roanoke, won $100 for his photograph, "Something for Everyone."

DOROTHY HOWELL'S third novel, "Tea Time," a historical romance set in Nevada during the 1880s, has been published by the Berkeley Publishing Group.

Howell, a William Fleming High School graduate who now lives in California, chronicles the struggle between a fine bred Eastern woman who forms a ladies' club to rid the town of saloons and the saloon owner determined to keep his way of life.

BUD FEUER'S sixth book, "The Spanish-American War At Sea: Naval Action in the Atlantic," has been published. It is the third in a series of five that Praeger Publishers plans to publish before 1998, the 100th anniversary of the war.

ROBERT A. JAMIEA, a Salem insurance salesman is sponsoring a new Modern Woodmen of America Junior Service Club in New Castle. Kim Bledsoe of New Castle is junior director. Members of the service club learn about patriotism, good citizenship and community service.

THE ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED FRAUD EXAMINERS recently added a Roanoke chapter. Gary Bassett will serve as the first president; Gregory Wood as vice president; and Dana Long as secretary/treasurer. H. Ray Ellis and Walter Jones were appointed to the board of directors as members-at-large.

The organization is dedicated to the prevention of fraud, and its members include accountants, auditors, investigators, criminologists, police officers and scholars.

MARY MAIER recently was installed as president of the Catholic Historic Society. Other officers for 1995-96 include: Lourice Thomas, vice president; Jo-Anne Woody, secretary; Amneris McCoy, treasurer. New board members are: John McKenna, Robert Canfield and Rick Stump.

MACK WELFORD, Roanoke College's associate professor of education, has been selected as one of the 185 volunteer staff instructors for the 1995 Presidential Classroom for Young Americans in America for the second time.

Presidential Classroom is a week-long program for high school juniors and seniors who meet academic and leadership requirements.

Volunteer instructors are assigned to 40-member student caucuses and lead meetings and provide assistance in program activities through the week.

THE ROANOKE VALLEY TRIAD COUNCIL recently elected the following officers: Robert Crawford, chairman; Don Thorne, vice chairman; and June Cosnotti, secretary. Triad is a national organization started in 1988 by the American Association of Retired Persons, the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the National Sheriffs' Association.

THE ROANOKE FESTIVAL IN THE PARK BOARD recently elected Cathy Caddy of the Bottom Line as president of its board of directors. Other board officers include Doug Hyre of Harris Office Furniture, president-elect; Sheri Bernath, secretary; and Scott Holmes of Trigon Blue Cross Blue Shield, treasurer. New board members elected for three-year terms include Andrea Milliron, Angie Ciafardini, Linda Moody, Stan Marinoff, Jeanne Hall and Manly Aylor.

CLAIRE ROTRAMEL, a graduate of Cave Spring High School, won the Roanoke Festival in the Park's semiannual T-shirt design contest. She created the design during this year's festival in a contest limited to teens. Her design will be featured on T-shirts sold at Festival in the Park's First Night Roanoke celebration on New Year's Eve.

 by CNB