Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, October 17, 1995                   TAG: 9510170091
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A spectator at Friday's Express hockey game filed a misdemeanor assault summons against an off-duty Roanoke patrol officer after an altercation at the Roanoke Civic Center.

The incident began about 10:30 p.m. as the game was about to end, according to James S. Thompson of Roanoke, who filed the summons. Thompson said an officer ``slammed'' him and his 7-year-old son against a wall when they did not leave the area near the ice. The child reinjured his previously broken collarbone, Thompson said.

Police Chief M. David Hooper said Thompson was removed by officers only after he refused to leave the restricted area. Hooper said the child was not touched in an aggressive manner.

Hooper did not release the names of the individuals involved. But in a telephone interview, Thompson said he filed the summons against Officer Richard Sauerwald.

Police said no disciplinary action has been taken against the officer, who was working off-duty at the civic center. The hockey team employs officers for house security.

Hooper said the officers were enforcing a house rule when they asked Thompson to leave the area. When Thompson refused to leave, the officer placed his hand on the man's arm and escorted him from the area, Hooper said.

Another officer came to assist. When Thompson again refused to leave the area, Hooper said, the officers took Thompson by the arms to escort him from the area.

Thompson's son grabbed his father's arm. The officers removed the child's hand from the father, Hooper said.

``Neither police officer had physical contact with the man's son except to have the boy let go of the father as the man was being escorted from the sporting event,'' Hooper said.

Thompson's account differs.

He said that, after he refused to leave the area, the officer pushed him and his son against the wall.

Thompson said he was holding his son's hand when he was confronted by a second officer. The two officers pulled his son from him, he said. His son was pushed down the steps, and he was thrown up the steps. Thompson said he was not allowed to re-enter the civic center to get his son.

Thompson said 50 to 60 people witnessed the incident. Thompson went to a Roanoke magistrate, who issued a misdemeanor summons.

A summons sets a court hearing for an alleged crime. It is not the same as a warrant, which calls for an individual to be placed under arrest.

Monday, the summons had not yet been filed in Roanoke General District Court.

 by CNB