Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, October 22, 1995                   TAG: 9510240022
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 8   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Hale anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Claytor Hale celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on September 30, 1995. The celebration was held at Melrose Masonic Lodge and was hosted by their four daughters and sons-in-law. The children are Jene H. Carter, Judith H. Scearce, Jane H. Hartless and Johnnie H. Ettore. The couple was married September 28, 1935, in New Castle, Va. They are lifetime residents of Roanoke. Mrs. Hale is the former L. Elizabeth ``Bo'' Richardson. The couple has eight grandchildren and 71/2 great-grandchildren. Mr. Hale is retired from Norfolk & Western Railroad and Mrs. Hale is a homemaker.

Lanter anniversary

Buford and Dot Lanter will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their wedding with family and friends at Pine Spur Hunt Club in Stewartsville on October 22nd.

The couple met and married in Portland, Oregon, on October 19, 1945, while Mr. Lanter was serving in the Navy. He is a native of Wythe County, Virginia. Mrs. Lanter is the former Dot Hunt of Eugene, Oregon.

The couple has three daughters: Bonnie Beckner of Stewartsville, Joann Lanter of Roanoke, and Judy Taylor of Wythe County. They also have seven grandchildren and one great- grandchild.

Lieb anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lieb, Jr. of Salem, celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on Saturday, October 14, 1995. They were married October 14, 1960 in Red Springs, North Carolina.

She is the former Angela Garrett and is currently an active Realtor with HCMF Real Estate. He is retired from Eli Lilly and Co., and currently acts as her real estate assistant. They have one daughter, Tina Bourne, and her husband, Gene, of Salem.

Miller anniversary

Isaac and Janovee Miller of Elliston, Va. celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on October 20, 1995. The celebration was hosted by their 7 children and their spouses. They have 14 grandchildren of whom 6 are married, and 6 great-grandchildren.

Isaac is retired from G.E. of Salem, and Janovee is retired from Richfield Retirement Community of Salem

 by CNB