Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: MONDAY, October 23, 1995 TAG: 9510230102 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: B-6 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: BILL COCHRAN DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
``I think we have enough go-getters in the crowd that we will get something accomplished,'' said meeting organizer Dr. Bill Clarkson.
An upcoming meeting will feature Mike Fies, the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries wildlife biologist who is conducting a major quail research project in Virginia.
``We are trying to get ourselves educated,'' said Clarkson. ``We are going to be more of an action oriented organization, not just a fund raiser.''
By spring, Clarkson hopes to have the chapter working with landowners on projects that will enhance quail habitat.
Quail Unlimited is a national organization established in 1981 to battle the problem of dwindling quail and wildlife habitat. There are more than 400 chapters across the country.