Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 26, 1995                   TAG: 9510260011
DATELINE: CHRISTIANSBURG                                LENGTH: Medium


The Christiansburg High School cross country team has learned this year a fact many defending state champions have found to be true:

It is almost always harder to do it again.

The Blue Demons ran away with the Group AA title last season and were the overwhelming favorite to repeat as champions with the return of star runners Matt Nolan and Justin Mosby.

But an injury to Nolan, fifth in the state last year as a freshman, in the early stages of the season left the Blue Demons scampering to fill the void.

``I injured my hip at the beginning of the season because of all the long mileage I had been running,`` Nolan said. ``Once I pulled the muscles in my hip, things got worse. I got tendonitis there, and then it spread into my back.``

The injury to Nolan left Mosby, a senior, to lead the team. During Nolan's absence, the Blue Demons lost their first four meets despite excellent performances from Mosby.

``We were just a shade off at the beginning of the season,`` Christiansburg coach Steve Shelton said. ``It's hard to say if we would have won any of those meets if Matt were healthy, but it would have helped out a lot.``

Making things even more difficult for the Blue Demons was the fact that archrival Blacksburg High, who has been living in the shadow of the Christiansburg program for the past several years, placed higher at meets at William Byrd and Radford.

``That's a huge rivalry for us,`` Shelton said. ``We always want to beat them and they always seem to be up for us.''

``People have been gunning for us this season because we have a reputation as a good team,'' Mosby said. ``That reputation is why I transferred here from Auburn High School.''

Mosby pointed to a lack of drive in the early season as a possible stumbling block for the team.

``Some of us were maybe not as focused as we should have been,'' Mosby said. ``Maybe it was because we had just won a title and we got a little bit satisfied with ourselves.''

Nolan's recent return to competition has sparked Christiansburg cross country. Since his return, the Blue Demons have regained their championship stride, winning every meet, including a 61-33 victory against the Indians at the Oct.7 Blue Demon Invitational.

Nolan then went to the highly competitive Metro Cross Country meet and won, an achievement made even more remarkable because of the length of time he'd been sidelined.

``Without a doubt, Matt's return from his injury is the high point of the season thus far,'' Shelton said.

Nolan said the injury was particularly frustrating because of the desire to return to the team to prepare for the upcoming district, regional and state meets.

``I really wanted to run sooner than I could,'' Nolan said. ``I had to keep listening to the doctor tell me that I wasn't ready yet, so I had to continue with my rehab.''

Shelton said that Nolan's return, coupled with Mosby's success this season, gives Christiansburg a decided advantage in the district, regional and state meets.

``I have the best 1-2 punch in the state,'' Shelton said. ``A lot of teams have one great runner, but I have two. Matt finished first in the Metro and is running great and Justin has won six races this year. We are in great shape as we come down the stretch.

``This team is running the best we have all season, and that's what you want at this time of year. The state finals are the big one, and you want to be at your peak heading into them.''

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