Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 26, 1995                   TAG: 9510270010
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Vinton Town Council learned recently how it could participate in a proposed transportation district, which was presented to Roanoke City Council during a work session and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors during a earlier this year.

Although state laws won't allow Vinton to enter the proposed Metropolitan Transportation District on its own, the town should consider participating in a proposed Metropolitan Transportation District through Roanoke County, said Stephen Mancuso, general manager of the Greater Roanoke Transit Co.

"If you're interested, that message needs to be purveyed to the county," Mancuso told Town Council during its Oct. 17 meeting.

Because of threatened federal cutbacks, Mancuso said the districts could make up for a loss of funds by levying a 2 percent tax on gasoline, which he said could generate $2.5 million annually if the entire valley participated.

Council members took no action on Mancuso's suggestion, but said they would discuss the matter later.

In other action:

Council, on recommendation of the Planning Commission, denied a rezoning request for a proposed duplex at the northeast corner of an intersection of Marshall Avenue and Fairmont Drive.

Residents argued that a duplex would worsen traffic and parking problems on the narrow road. But, Bill Wimmer, a real estate agent, said the rezoning would actually protect the neighborhood from businesses because the zoning would change from business general to residential district.

Although the proposed single-story duplex met all requirements for the approximately 12,000 square feet of land, council sided with the residents.

"I think the wishes of this neighborhood weigh strongly with this council," said Councilman Billy Obenchain.

Council passed a resolution to allow disposal of land-clearing waste on private land. The Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association has asked governing bodies within its area to allow the burial of land-clearing debris such as tree stumps and brush on development sites because of increasing costs of constructing new landfills, said Town Manager Clay Goodman.

Council approved $15,000 for a study of the town's pay schedule, job descriptions and some other policies by a professional firm.

Goodman said he would like for the study to be completed in time to consider the findings during budget deliberations next year. The last study was in 1986.

Town Council voted to co-sponsor two events produced by Explore Park in November. The All Saints Day celebration will be held at the Vinton War Memorial on Wednesay and Nov. 2. The event will include a Colonial ball, a Colonial fashion show and a workshop on 18th century society.

 by CNB