Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, October 30, 1995                   TAG: 9511010004
SECTION: NEWSFUN                    PAGE: NF-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Mummies munched and milled about; Dracula danced to the "Monster Mash." And while Pocahontas bobbed for apples and Power Rangers played games with princesses, a gallery of ghosts gobbled up goodies. Skeletons and witches lurked about.

What a party! Or should we say parties. Your entries in NewsFun's annual Halloween Art Contest revealed a group of young artists who knows how to throw a party.

More than 400 readers entered our contest, which asked entrants to submit an original color drawing of a Halloween party.

And speaking of parties, the classes of the four winners in each age category will be treated to a party courtesy of NewsFun and The Roanoke Times. Now, on to the winners . . .

In the sixth-eighth-grade category, the winner is David Quesenberry of Indian Valley, an eighth-grader at Floyd County High School. His teacher is Nanette Johnson.

Alex Kopakowski of Blacksburg, who is in the fifth grade at Kipps Elementary, takes top honors in the fourth-fifth-grade category. Her teacher is Martha Ann Stallings.

The first-place winner in the second-third-grade category is Anna Lee Burnstein, a second-grader at Crystal Spring Elementary in Roanoke. Christie Barlow is her teacher.

In the kindergarten-first grade category, Mary Lynn Buchanan of Troutville is the winner. She is a kindergarten pupil in Jane Chudina's class at Troutville Elementary.

Judi Anderson, a former elementary school art teacher, judged the contest. Anderson studied art at Virginia Tech and at Ulster Polytech in Ireland.

Honorable mention in the sixth-eighth-grade category goes to: Brandy Southern, eighth grade, Floyd County High School; Meghan Chudina, sixth grade, James Madison Middle School, Roanoke; and Tara Lilly, sixth grade, William Byrd Middle School, Vinton.

Fourth- and fifth-graders receiving honorable mention are: Allison Kirchner, fifth grade, Penn Forest Elementary School, Roanoke County; Maggie Rauck, fifth grade, Troutville Elementary School; Becky Hoke, fifth grade Troutville Elementary; and Allison Boush, fourth grade, Oak Grove Elementary School, Roanoke County.

Honorable mention in second-third grade goes to: Brittney Tucker, third grade, Penn Forest Elementary; and Katie Whitmore, third grade, Cave Spring Elementary, Roanoke County.

Kindergarten-first-graders receiving honorable mention are: James McClure of Wirtz, first grade, Burnt Chimney Elementary School; and Tiffany Lynn Ridenhour, first grade, Fallon Park Elementary School, Roanoke.

 by CNB