Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, October 31, 1995                   TAG: 9510310062
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO   
DATELINE: SALEM, MASS.                                LENGTH: Medium


This city 16 miles northeast of Boston is known around the world for its late-17th-century witch trials, a scandal so horrendous that it once caused neighboring Salem Village to change its name to Danvers. Yet the ``witches`` who once vexed this colony on Massachusetts Bay seem almost treasured friends now that Salem proclaims itself ``The Witch City.''

At the end of October every year, Salem truly comes to terms with its reputation. Promoted as the ``Halloween Capitol of the World," Salem adds two weeks of scheduled ``haunted happenings'' to its daily guided tours of museums and dungeons. From pumpkin pig-outs to candlelight tours of the House of Seven Gables to bonfires on the beach, it seems every conceivable way of celebrating Halloween has been exploited.

Some events defy the descriptions to be found in the 56-page booklet, ``Salem Haunted Happenings,'' published by the City of Salem and Massachusetts' Travel and Tourism Office. The children's ``Broom Flying Class,'' for instance. Or how about Cap't Scurvy's Haunted Cavern?

For a bit of drama, ``Cry Innocent,'' a re-enactment of the trial of Bridget Bishop, is held on Salem Common. Bishop, a taverner hanged as a witch in 1692 mainly for wearing red dresses on the sabbath, is also remembered by the ``Bridget Bishop Brunch'' at the Lyceum Bar & Grill, which is built on the site of her orchard.

Not to be left out, The Hawthorne Hotel features a ``Haunted Mystery Dinner'' and a ``Stop by for a Spell Brunch.'' It also hosts the annual Salem Psychic Fair.

Salem State College holds a ``Witch's Ball'' that is hosted by Laurie Cabot, author and ``Official Witch of Salem.'' Cabot also will be found at the sundown Witches' Circle and Commemorative Walk to Gallows Hill the night of Halloween.

The Old Town Hall hosts ``The Salem Haunted Happenings Psychic Fair and Witchraft Expo,'' as well as a seminar called ``The Art of Spell Casting.''

On the list of other events not to miss:

The Witches' Hospitality Tent on Salem Common.

``Messages from the Spirit World'' seance (``past lives discovered'').

The ``Gravestone Rubbing Contest'' at The Salem Wax Museum.

A concert by Gypsy, a witch-vocalist whose 1987 album, ``Enchantress'' is sometimes found for sale in Roanoke music stores.

A sidewalk sale called the ``Bizarre Bazaar.''Be sure to bring your credit card.

Ah, yes. Bonfires, spell casting, gravestone rubbings. Sounds like good family fun...if you happen to be the Addams Family!


 by CNB