Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, November 2, 1995                   TAG: 9511020028
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Donate used children's coats to needy

Hertzberg Furs, Valley Cleaners and WFIR/Arrow 94.9 are collecting used children's coats in good condition for its Coats for Kids Campaign.

Coats may be dropped off before Nov. 11 at Hertzberg Furs on Campbell Avenue, any of the four Valley Cleaners locations or at the studios of WFIR.

Valley Cleaners will clean the coats. Roanoke Area Ministries will then distribute them throughout the valley.

Volunteers needed at Housecall Hospice

Housecall Hospice needs volunteers to serve in a variety of volunteer jobs working directly or indirectly with terminally ill patients.

Direct contact includes companionship, reading, letter writing, shopping or errands. Indirect contact includes office work and various projects.

Training is provided for all volunteers.

For more information call the volunteer coordinator, 776-3207 or (800) 276-3203.

Salem to hold Veteran's Day Parade

The city of Salem will sponsor a Veterans Day Parade on Nov. 11 beginning at 12:30 p.m. from the Salem Farmer's Market to Longwood Park. All Roanoke Valley veterans are invited to march in the parade.

A brief ceremony including a recognition of the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II follows the parade at Longwood Park. In case of rain, the ceremony will be held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Salem.

For further information, contact Otto Feuer at 774-2574.

Extension office seeks gardener trainees

The Roanoke City Office of Virginia Cooperative Extension is recruiting volunteers to train to become Master Gardeners.

No prior training is required, but gardening experience is helpful. The time commitment is 100 hours a year.

Training classes are tentatively scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from mid-January 1996 through mid-March.

For more information call the Roanoke City Extension Office, 857-7915.

Public ice skating at civic center

The Roanoke Civic Center will offer public ice skating sessions Sunday, Nov. 12 and 19; Dec. 3 and 10; and Jan. 14 and 28 from 1 to 3 p.m. Admission is $4 for a two-hour period; skates are available to rent for $2.

For more information, contact the civic center box office, 981-1201.

Sorority offers $500 college scholarship

The Lambda Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa is offering a $500 scholarship to a high school senior planning to enter the field of education.

The Lambda Chapter of the international sorority for woman educators is composed of Roanoke County and Salem teachers.

Students interested in the scholarship may obtain more information from high school counselors in any Roanoke County or Salem high school.

For more information call Martha McClure at 387-2437.

Foster grandmothers needed at schools

The Roanoke City Schools Maternal and Infant Education Center has a need for foster grandmothers to work with infants and their teen mothers.

The Foster Grandparent Program offers a $2.45 hourly nontaxed stipend, a travel allowance, a daily meal, holiday, vacation and sick pay and other benefits.

Applicants must be 60 years of age or older, retired on a limited income and have four hours available each weekday. Contact Barbara James or Beverly Blackwell at LOA's Foster Grandparent Program, 345-0451.

Children's parade set for Nov. 18

The Grandin Road Village Business and Professional Association and the Raleigh Court Civic League will hold their annual Children's Mini Christmas Parade Nov. 18, at11 a.m.

Bands from Patrick Henry High and Woodrow Wilson Middle schools and the Patrick Henry R.O.T.C. will participate along with the Shriner Clowns, the Red Cross Clowns, horses and Santa Claus.

Businesses and organizations wishing to enter a float may contact Richard Eakin, 342-2691. Floats must be the size of a child's wagon and pulled by a child under the age of 14.

Crafters wanted for annual show

Northside Middle School is seeking crafters for its annual craft show Nov. 17 and 18. The space rental fee is $30 for two days or $25 for one day. For more information call 384-6507.

 by CNB