Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, November 3, 1995                   TAG: 9511030103
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium



``I think the crowd helped a lot. I think [the Seminoles] had trouble hearing.''

-UVa head coach George Welsh

``I think the three-man line, with four linebackers in there, helped us a lot. What we did on offense was sound and it was a good thing for us. A four-man rush wasn't getting to [Florida State quarterback Danny] Kanell anyway.''

-UVa head coach George Welsh

``Their kicking game was something. They put us in a hole with their punts. They didn't miss a field goal. That's the game.''

-Florida State head coach Bobby Bowden

``I didn't see the ball in Kanell's hands, so I knew who it had to be. I was thinking [on the last play] that they'd run a fade route to [Andre] Cooper. Then, here comes a guy basically crawling through the line. And, it was Warrick [Dunn]. He came this close to getting in. ... it was inches away.''

-Virginia defensive tackle Todd White

``We were very confident at halftime, but we've been in this situation so many times. I was just thinking there at the end, `I can't watch this again.'''

-Virginia running back Tiki Barber

``I think this is the ultimate, except for the day I was born. I'm really happy.''

-Virginia defensive tackle Todd White

``It was close [the last play]. I just came up short. I lost the ball on the way in. When I fell back on it I was in the end zone, and I thought I was in.''

-Florida State running back Warrick Dunn

``I thought we'd wear 'em down. I thought we'd beat them. I thought we might pull it out, but they wouldn't let us.''

-Florida State head coach Bobby Bowden


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