Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, November 4, 1995                   TAG: 9511050012
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


THE GLASS in the living room, used to the patter of little birds, was no match against the deer.

For years, Diane Hancock has heard birds crash into the living room window of her Avenham Avenue home in South Roanoke. But the tiny creatures rarely even scratched the double-paned glass.

But the window was no match against a frantic deer Friday morning.

Hancock was in her bedroom about 11:30 when she heard the window shatter.

"I just knew something terrible had happened in my house," she said.

When she ran to the scene, the vandal was nowhere to be found.

But there was a gaping hole in the 8-by-4-foot window.

Hancock said she didn't know of any bird that could have done that much damage. She called her husband, Frank, at work, and he rushed home.

A little later, Hancock's doorbell rang, and a woman who had witnessed the incident while driving past the house told her that a five-point buck weighing probably 135 pounds had run through the yard and straight into the window.

After looking over the damage, Frank Hancock said he couldn't find any blood that would indicate the deer had been cut. Only some fur was left behind at the bottom of the windowpane.

"I bet he's got a hangover," Hancock said.

One of Hancock's neighbors said he saw the deer run through his yard after it ran into the window. From there, the deer ran toward Roanoke Mountain, he said.

"I don't think that police are combing the area for a suspect," Diane Hancock said.

This isn't the first time a deer has run into a home in this neighborhood. In June 1994, a doe ran through a glass door and into the home of Don and Babs Smith on Wycliffe Avenue.

 by CNB