Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, November 4, 1995                   TAG: 9511060007
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


WITH TRIXIE Averill, what you see is what you get - no sleight of hand and no hidden agenda. I've known her almost as many years as she has been in the Roanoke area. She stands for and works hard to promote sound economic principles and less government involvement in our lives.

Since coming to Virginia, Averill has worked hard lobbying for stronger families and better education for our hurting children. She's pro-life and wants to protect our unborn. She supports Second Amendment rights for citizens to keep and bear arms, and supports punishing criminals who use this right to harm decent, law-abiding individuals.

Let's send a nonlawyer to Richmond to represent us.



Cranwell's record reflects his concern

AFTER READING an Oct. 24 letter to the editor ("Averill was a hit with schoolchildren" by Kate Campbell), I feel compelled to point out that Del. Dick Cranwell surely can't be expected to accept every speaking invitation. Actually, voters would be critical if he left his legislative duties behind to answer every call.

Of course, Cranwell graciously accepts some invitations. For example, he agreed to speak to Virginia Tech doctoral students who were studying higher education and finance. He spent hours with only 12 students, enthusiastically sharing his political insights while welcoming our questions and opinions.

As a student in that class, I was impressed not only by his grasp of complex issues, but also by his mastery of the legislative process. Thanks to his expertise as House majority leader and chairman of the House Finance Committee, Virginia remains one of the most fiscally conservative states in the nation.

Cranwell has a voting record reflecting his concern for this locality and his careful consideration of issues. If voters choose candidates because of issues and proven competence, there's little choice in this race.



Anti-conservative opinions discounted

I WOULD like to thank your editors for supporting candidates who are almost all anti-Christian and anti-conservative. If I don't know the candidates very well, I just vote opposite to the one you support. I'm pretty sure about 90 percent of the time I'll be voting for the best person.



We need a doctor in the House

IN THE RACE between Dr. Newell Falkinburg and lawyer Chip Woodrum, the big picture needs new focus. With all due respect to the majority of lawyers serving in the House of Delegates, we have enough already!

A great many bills introduced each session are directy related to health-care issues that should require professional knowledge other than that offered by lobbyists. And there's not a doctor in the House.

I wouldn't have a lawyer read my X-rays. Accordingly, I'd prefer a physician in a position of leadership to review issues related to our health and well-being.



Maynard has superior credentials

AS COMMONWEALTH'S attorney for Roanoke city, I've worked with many of the finest law-enforcement professionals in the state. One such professional is Doug Maynard, candidate for sheriff of Bedford County.

My knowledge of his ability and aptitude for this position spans almost 20 years. As an investigator for the Public Defender Commission and a former Roanoke city police officer, he has broad experience and expertise in investigating criminal offenses, as well as a detailed understanding of what must be done by law enforcement to ensure successful prosecution.

Maynard has long been a community leader in the Thaxton area, where he has lived and raised his family for the past 16 years. His ability to work effectively with people of diverse background is a strong indication of his ability to unify and lead a department with many complex duties.

He's a man of unquestioned honesty and integrity. I can think of no disability that prevents him from being a sheriff of whom people of Bedford would be proud.


Commonwealth's Attorney


Varied background is Wentz' strength

AFTER MEETING with Bill Wentz on two occasions, I'm convinced he's qualified for the job of commonwealth's attorney for Bedford County.

He has a varied and excellent background. He has experience in criminal law, business experience on the managerial level, and nine years of military leadership service in the U.S. Army Infantry as a lieutenant colonel. He was a Vietnam hero, awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in combat, two Bronze Stars for valor in combat, and two Purple Hearts.

Let's stop passing down the job of commonwealth's attorney and elect a man who is really concerned about people of Bedford County. Vote for Wentz.



Preserve Bedford's status quo

AFTER two years on this quest to protect all Bedford by consolidation, many people are still confused over the word ``city''. For them, it conjures up the image of crowded concrete canyons that make up actual cities. No one in Bedford wants that.

The truth is, we must use the word because in Virginia law when you combine a city and a county, it's called ``a consolidated city.'' That's a legal classification. Then it was discovered that a consolidated Bedford would be the biggest city in Virginia! That's true, but only because of its large land area. Neither ``biggest'' nor ``city'' dictates the true characteristics of a consolidated city of Bedford.

Only Bedfordites, free at last from outside annexations, can keep Bedford the way it is now: mainly rural. That's what has brought people here, and that's what keeps them here.

Consolidated cities can contain a great many farms. One consolidated city, Virginia Beach, already has approved farmland preservation of thousands of acres within it. It's exactly the sort of thing a consolidated Bedford can do.

In no time at all, folks will just call it Bedford. Nobody says ``the consolidated city of Virginia Beach.'' They say Virginia Beach.

We cannot sit back and hope an unprotected Bedford will stay the way it is. If we have to be legally on record as a consolidated city to prevent outside annexation forever, so be it. Vote yes for consolidation.



Sheriff Kelly has been effective

WITH Sheriff Reed Kelly's effectiveness as sheriff over the past four years, he should be re-elected to lead Botetourt County into the 21st century.

Kelly took an extremely split department - which, at the time of his election had a very low morale - and has rebuilt morale and reshaped a strong, cohesive law-enforcement unit.



Krantz champions victims' rights

OUR CHILD was the victim of a crime in Bedford County. Randy Krantz, interim commonwealth's attorney, prosecuted this case to a successful conclusion. We cannot praise him enough for his tireless dedication, commitment and compassion. He worked many late hours preparing for this case, and did an excellent job in the courtroom.

We were especially impressed with his ability to communicate with our child and lessen his fears of testifying in court. Krantz has a natural ability to explain legal proceedings in layman terms. He kept us apprised of the proceedings before, during and after the trial.

He's a true advocate of victims and their rights. He's also an impassioned, qualified prosecutor.

We urge Bedford citizens to support Krantz for commonwealth's attorney.



Republicans are stooping low

ARE REPUBLICANS so desperate to dominate Virginia government that they'll stoop to any level to defeat the Democrats?

I'm thoroughly disgusted by the negative, misleading Republican campaign ads on television, and by the shamefully distorted materials I've received in the mail from GOP candidates.

With such mean-spirited, dishonest tactics, who could still believe Republicans when they claim to have the interests of the people at heart?



 by CNB