Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 8, 1995                   TAG: 9511080052
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


It isn't often when athletes born four decades apart can train and compete on the same team, but that's the case with the Blacksburg Masters swim team.

"We have approximately 15 members on the team ranging in age from 19 to 63 years old," Masters coach Alan Davis said. "That's one of the unique things about this group."

Team members participate for a number of reasons, including fitness and competition, according to Davis.

"One of the really nice things about the Masters team is that different people get different things out of it," Davis said. "Some just want to do it for the fitness aspect of it, to stay in shape. Others do it because they are interested in the competition aspect of swimming."

Paul Smeal, the oldest member of the team at 63, joined for both fitness and competition.

"We've been at it for a couple of weeks now and I'm really enjoying it," Smeal said. "I used to be in a swim program at the town pool and after a while I just got bored with it. Here I'm finding that I am learning some new things and its been really helpful."

Smeal, a runner and a veteran of 13 marathons, said swimming compares to running for him because both are highly social forms of exercise.

"It's a very social activity in the sense that, when you do a lot of different things, you get to meet different people," Smeal said. "With this team, it's made up of many people with nothing in common except they all enjoy swimming. If you happen to miss a day, everyone says to you the next time, 'Where were you?' and 'We missed you the other day'."

The Masters are associated with United States Masters Swimming, a national organization comprised of approximately 29,000 members. Team members pay a monthly fee of $35 that covers pool rental and coaching expenses, a figure that will decrease as the team gains new swimmers.

A percentage of the money goes to the national organization, according to Davis. In return, Blacksburg Masters team members receive magazines, newsletters and insurance from the U.S. Masters Association.

The Masters practice four days a week for a total of 51/2 hours at Virginia Tech's War Memorial Hall pool. Most of that time is spent in the water refining swimming techniques. A shorter period is spent out of the pool on exercises that develop strength and agility.

Davis, a fourth-year coach (first with the Masters) who has an American Swim Coaches Association certification, said he would like to see the team become a part of the Southwest Aquatic Team, a local organization whose focus is the development of competitive swimming in the New River Valley.

"I would like for us to become a self-sufficient organization in the future," Davis said. "I think becoming a part of SWAT would be good for us. They seem to be interested in our joining them. We need to prove that we aren't just a team for 1995-96, but instead we're a team that's going to be around a while."

Anyone interested in joining the Blacksburg Masters swim team should contact Davis at 951-3475 or Cathy Terlesky at 552-1860.

If you have an idea for a story or note about recreational sports, call Chad Willis at 381-1672 in Montgomery County or Radford or (800) 346-1234, extension 672 elsewhere or fax to 381-1656.

 by CNB