Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 15, 1995                   TAG: 9511150029
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of League of Older Americans Area on Agency offers these tips for a safe and happy holiday.

Since this is the busiest shopping time of the year, the following suggestions are offered for safer shopping:

Go with someone else or in groups when possible.

Park in a well-lighted area at shopping malls.

Always lock your car. Even if you've locked the car, when you return, follow through by checking the back seat before you get in the vehicle.

Put all your packages in the trunk. Packages in the back seat, even when covered, will invite a break-in.

Have your keys in hand when walking to your vehicle. Don't stand beside the car and search for them.

If you have an uncomfortable feeling about a stranger, respect your intuition and avoid the situation. Return tot he store and ask for an escort to your car.

Should you be approached by a mugger, give him what he wants. If attacked, sit down (to avoid being knocked down); raise a ruckus - shout "Call 9-1-1!"

While traveling, here are some tips that can make your trip safe and enjoyable:

Keep the windows of your car up and the doors locked.

If you think you are being followed, do not drive home. Drive to a location where there are a lot of people; a fast food restaurant, convenience store or gas station.

If your car breaks down, raise the hood and stay in your vehicle with the doors locked. If strangers stop to help, ask them to alert the nearest service station or call the police.

In airports, train stations and bus terminals, keep your luggage near you and locked. Keep identification inside the baggage as well as on the exterior.

Carry travelers' checks instead of cash.

Be alert in hotels and motels. Keep your room locked. If someone comes to your room claiming to be a hotel employee, such as a maintenance man, call the front desk to verify before allowing him into your room.

Before traveling, stop your mail and newspaper. Alert your neighbors that you will be gone. Leave lights on a timer and turn down your telephone ringer.

In general, is is important to be alert of your surroundings, report any suspicious behavior, approach strangers with caution, and report all crimes to the police.

For more information about crime prevention and safety programs, call Kevin McCullough at the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of LOA at 540-345-0451. Safety tips were provided by Al Brown, Crime Prevention Officer, Roanoke City Police and the Virginia Department for the Aging.

Senior Activities

WARM HEARTH VILLAGE, Blacksburg, Warm Hearth Village Activity Center, Line Dance Made Easy, Thursdays, 2:15 p.m., beginners, 2:30 p.m., all levels, 552-1498.

CHRISTIANSBURG SENIOR CENTER, 655 Montgomery St. Sherry Kostric, 382-8173:

Ongoing activities are exercise groups, aerobics, cards, hobbies, billiards, and bible study.

Thursday, noon, Thanksgiving Luncheon, National Guard Armory. Bring a covered dish and 50 cent donation.

Friday, van leaves National Guard Armory at 9 a.m. for Towers mall and Mountain View market. Transportation fee is $3, seniors; $6, ages 21-54.

RETIRED AND SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM, 1 Franklin St., Courthouse Annex, Christiansburg. Victoria Scott, 382-5775:

Thursday, 10 a.m., Blacksburg group goes to Christmas store.

Saturday, 10 a.m., volunteers will work at the Christmas store.

Monday, 9 a.m., quilters meet; 2 p.m., Shawsville group will go to Meadowbrook for birthday party.

Tuesday, 10 a.m., the Warm Hearth group will go to the Christmas Store; 2 p.m., McCoy group will go to Heritage Hall.

RADFORD SENIOR CENTER, 27 First St. Mary Jane Harmon, 731-3634:

Ongoing activities are walking, cards, ceramics, quilting, exercise, and creative writing.

Today, 5 p.m., Radford American Association of Retired Persons meet. Bring a dish for Thanksgiving pot luck dinner.

Thursday, 8:15 a.m., leave for Southern Christmas Show, Charlotte, N.C.

Friday, 10 a.m., van leaves for Tanglewood Mall, Roanoke.

GILES COUNTY SENIOR CENTER: 1320 Wenonah Ave., Pearisburg. Betty Letsinger, 921-3924:

Ongoing activities are walking, line dancing, cards, ceramics, and singing. The swim therapy program at the Blacksburg Aquatic Center meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, weather permitting. Transportation leaves at 9:30 a.m.

Thursday, 12:30 p.m., "Sharing Grief" group meets.

Friday, noon, American Association of Retired Persons No. 502 meets and elects officers.

PULASKI SENIOR CENTER, 106 N. Washington Ave. Tina Faiszt, 980-1000:

Ongoing activities are ceramics and cards.

Thursday, 8 a.m., van departs for Southern Christmas Show. $15 includes transportation and tickets to show. Dinner at Big Daddy's.

Tuesday, 11:30, Thanksgiving potluck luncheon. Bring a covered dish. Center provides turkey and dressing.

BLACKSBURG SENIOR PROGRAMS, Blacksburg Community Center, 725 Patrick Henry Drive. Joy Herbert, 961-1134:

Ongoing activities are canasta and bridge. Classes available in computers, ceramics, art, calligraphy and bridge. Exercise programs include: Tuesdays, 10-11 a.m., indoor tennis; Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9-10 a.m., walking group; Monday 12:30-1:30, Tuesday and Thursday, 9-10 a.m., Golden Aerobics.

Today, registration for winter programs begins.

Today, trip to Farmhouse Restaurant, Christiansburg. Van leaves 11:30 a.m. Lunch is $2.50-9.50.

Monday, noon-2 p.m., movie is "Amadeus."

Registration continues for Nov. 29 trip to Valley View and Tanglewood malls, Roanoke. Van leaves 9 a.m. and returns 5 p.m. $4, transportation fee. Lunch is on your own at K&W Cafeteria near Tanglewood.

RSVP by Saturday for Coffee Brunch Get Together, Monday, 10 a.m

Senior Shorts

Senior Employment Program: Job placement assistance and skills training for job seekers 55 years or older. New River Valley Agency on Aging, 980-7720 or 639-9677.

 by CNB