Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, November 19, 1995                   TAG: 9511210011
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


When Roanoke Area Ministries' Day Shelter opened in 1987, Executive Director Wendy Moore was determined that everyone who showed up would be looked upon as a "guest" rather than as a "client."

"This is our house," she said.

Being a guest means having a comfortable place to relax, a chance to do the laundry, and having meals served on real china and silverware.

Of course, having more than 200 guests in your home every day - especially when the home is nearly 100 years old - leads to more than a little wear and tear, Moore said. But, because RAM's philosophy is to spend its money on people rather than things, it's hard to replace what breaks.

So Moore has compiled a Christmas "wish list" of items the agency needs.

Most important is $14,000 worth of repairs to the shelter's wooden floor. Not only is the subfloor rotting in spots, but the 15-year-old carpeting also needs replacing. Tile would be more practical, Moore said, but because the shelter is in the high-ceilinged former sanctuary of Our Lady of Nazareth Church, the noise would be deafening.

The agency's washer and dryer, which are in use eight hours a day, are on the verge of breaking down and need replacing.

More volunteers are always needed, Moore said, especially those willing to work the reception desk in the day shelter and do other clerical work. She also would like to compile a list of volunteer plumbers, electricians, carpenters and other tradespeople who could be called in to do emergency repairs for free.

The chairs and tables and sofas also are wearing out, Moore said, and the agency would welcome any donations of furniture with vinyl upholstery.

RAM also is looking for old school lockers and padlocks. Being able to put their things in a safe place is very important to the homeless, she said.

Other needed items include a 55- to 60-cup coffee urn, silverware and a television. The agency already has one TV, but it's too small for everyone to be able to see it.

And, of course, food, paper products and toiletries are always welcomed, she said.

 by CNB