Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, November 19, 1995                   TAG: 9511210113
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: A-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


The 100th anniversary game of the Virginia Tech-Virginia football rivalry Saturday certainly was worth its billing.

With both teams ranked in the Top 20 in the Associated Press' poll and both teams chaing major bowl berths, the Hokies won a thriller 36-29 at Scott Stadium in Charlotte.

No. 20 Tech, which improved its record to 9-2, scored 22 points in the fourth quarter to shock the 13th-ranked Cavaliers, who less than two weeks earlier had beaten then-No. 2 Florida State on the same field. The Hokies won a school-record ninth consecutive game in a season.

Virginia, a four-point favorite, saw its record drop to 8-4. The Cavaliers have lost four games by a total of 14 points this season, two on the last play of the game - at Michigan and at Texas.

So, when the Hokies trailed 29-14 entering the fourth quarter, the Tech players still believed they would beat the Cavaliers.

As linebacker George DelRicco said, "We knew they may fold in the fourth quarter . . . they've been doing it all year."

The Hokies hold a 38-34-5 advantage in the 77-game series with Virginia. Tech and Virginia first played during the 1895 season, with the Cavaliers winning 38-0.

Both teams now will play the waiting game to see where they will go for postseason bowl games.


 by CNB