Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, November 19, 1995                   TAG: 9511220010
SECTION: HOMES                    PAGE: D-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


It's that time of the year again when Thanksgiving is quickly coming and Christmas is just around the corner. There's going to be a lot of cooking, baking and eating. Lots of work, but somehow the work becomes part of the celebration.

Remember you're not just setting your table; you're setting the mood. Here are some hints:

Around the turkey, use carrots, Brussels sprouts, sliced apples, sprigs of rosemary, cranberries, orange slices, etc.

Serve your vegetables in different types of bowls, such as stoneware with wooden spoons, bone-style dishes for cranberry sauce or chutney in copper cookware.

Use baskets with colorful tissue paper for breads or a plain wooden cutting board.

Cut out a pumpkin and put your dressing or soup in it, or use a crock.

Serve it all on a bare wooden table or use a plaid fabric for a runner,

In silver or pewter goblets, put ribs of celery and carrots sticking up with olives (green and black) in the middle. Set these on each corner of the table.

Fill a colander with apples and nuts.

Use different plates at every other setting.

Put a flower or a simple ribbon on or around dinner napkins.

Set a desserts tables with different types of cake plates.

Use cut-glass rose bowls for garnishes.

Put grapes in brandy snuffers with candied orange slices lining the rim.

When setting a buffet table, place silverware at the end of the table. That way guests won't have to juggle plates and silverware.

Think about the theme you want. Then set the mood.

 by CNB