Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, November 28, 1995                   TAG: 9511280136
SECTION: NATL/INTL                    PAGE: A1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: RICHMOND                                 LENGTH: Medium


A Hampton couple who kept their winnings a secret from family and friends over the Thanksgiving weekend claimed a $24.9 million Lotto jackpot Monday.

W.M. Phillips, 53, and Gail Hinson, 50, won last Wednesday's game, the fourth-largest prize in Virginia Lottery history and the largest jackpot with a single winning ticket.

Wearing jeans and sweatshirts, they appeared at a news conference at Virginia Lottery headquarters in Richmond.

Hinson said she realized they held the lucky ticket Thanksgiving morning, when she awoke early to put a ham in the oven and scanned the winning numbers in the newspaper. She said she checked her ticket about five times, then tried to rouse Phillips from bed.

``She finally convinced me that we won the lottery,'' said Phillips, who is self-employed in the construction business. ``We hugged each other and said, `Thank you, good Lord.'''

Hinson, who works at Canon Virginia, said she plans to retire soon. Phillips said he will continue working.

Phillips and Hinson were married for 28 years but divorced in 1992. They were apart for a year, then got back together. They say they plan to wed again. They have one son.

The couple hid the winning ticket Thursday and didn't tell anyone about it until they came to lottery headquarters Monday. They said they were afraid widespread publicity could lead to someone trying to break into their home and steal the ticket.

They could barely contain themselves at Thanksgiving dinner. They had about five guests, some of whom commiserated about how they hadn't won.

It was a ``tremendous load'' to contain the enthusiasm, Phillips said.

Phillips bought the ticket last Tuesday at a 7-Eleven store in Hampton. He let the store's Lotto computer select the numbers at random - seven, nine, 13, 17, 24 and 25.

The couple said they plan to buy a new home in the Hampton area, buy a new car and travel. They said they will use part of the winnings to help homeless people and make a donation to King's Daughters Hospital in Norfolk.

The couple have bought four Lotto tickets every week for several years. They said they've never won a prize before.

The odds of winning Lotto are one in seven million.

The couple received their first payment Monday of $843,210 after taxes. They will receive 19 more annual payments of $846,000 after taxes.

 by CNB