Copyright (c) 1995, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, December 2, 1995             TAG: 9512060041
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 11   EDITION: METRO 
COLUMN: The People Column 


Dennis Rodman, Chicago Bulls forward and unapologetic bad boy, wants his own talk show - with him in drag.

``You never seen it on TV,'' he said in January's Playboy. ``If I get my show, you'll see that. You never know what to expect from Dennis Rodman.''

Rodman, known just as well for his dye jobs and fling with Madonna as for his four consecutive NBA rebounding titles, said he decided two years ago to be true to his real nature as an entertainer. He had gone through a divorce and found himself bored with merely playing basketball.

A part in ``Eddie,'' an upcoming Whoopi Goldberg movie, will be his first big-screen role.

``I could do something else, but show business is what I do on the court. So that'll be my next career,'' said Rodman, who bares nearly everything for a Playboy layout.

Anita Hill has a professorship in her honor at the University of Oklahoma. And it wasn't easy.

The Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education voted 5-3 on Friday to approve it, despite strong objections from state Rep. Leonard Sullivan, a Republican and longtime critic of Hill.

He called Hill a liar and an ``instrument of left-wing extremists.''

``I ask you to show some guts and not sell your souls,'' Sullivan said while being cut off several times by regents Chairman Frederick McCann.

Hill testified against Clarence Thomas during his Senate confirmation hearings as a Supreme Court justice in 1991.

She claimed he sexually harassed her. Thomas denied it and his nomination was confirmed.

The regents voted to match $250,000 in private funds to set up the Anita Faye Hill Professorship of Law at the school where she teaches. Hill could not be immediately reached for comment.

LENGTH: Short :   44 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  (headshot) Rodman 

by CNB