Copyright (c) 1995, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, December 3, 1995               TAG: 9512040072
                                             TYPE: LETTERS 


I am writing to thank all of the supervisors, Jim Moore, Joe Stewart, Joe Gorman and Nick Rush, who voted against taking the 140 acres out of the agricultural and forest district in Ellett Valley so that it could be paved over for a "smart" highway.

I feel that, finally, the people have been heard and well represented by our supervisors. I was really worried that the Virginia Tech and corporate interests would be considered ahead of: watershed concerns, water quality, open space planning, historical areas and the intent and purpose of agricultural and forest districts for our county.

Again, I want to thank our supervisors for the thought and consideration that went into the vote to keep the agricultural and forest district intact in Ellett Valley.

Lynda Majors


Editor's Note: Lynda Majors' letter was written before the supervisors rescinded their vote against the road Monday on a 5-2 vote.

Christmas Store already helping

Thank you for the wonderful Christmas Store article that ran in the Current Wednesday, Nov. 22. I want to share a story about that article.

Wednesday, several of us were at the store when a woman arrived and wanted information about eligibility for the store. In talking with her this story emerged:

Her husband died recently. She and her children had just moved to this area and she has not been able to find a full-time job. They are trying to make it on her husband's Social Security and what she makes at a part-time job. She has tried to stay off welfare and make it on her own. She has been worried about how she would ever be able to provide Christmas for her girls. She said she has been praying for help. Wednesday morning, she went to McDonalds for a cup of coffee. There she picked up the paper and found the article about the Christmas Store. She drove right over to the store. She said it was an answer to her prayers. All of us were touched by her humble gratitude for the store.

That one article will make it possible for one hard-working, deserving family to have a happy Christmas.

As you can see, these articles have a major impact on the lives of many people, getting the word out to families who deserve the help.

Joyce Hendricks


LENGTH: Medium:   51 lines

by CNB