Copyright (c) 1995, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, December 6, 1995            TAG: 9512060052
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-1  EDITION: METRO 


K.C. Keeler's most valuable coaching tool this season might have been his memory.

Remembrances of his Rowan team's 1993 Stagg Bowl appearance motivated Keeler and his team to shoot for a return trip to Salem and this week's 23rd edition of the NCAA Division III football title game.

One memory stands out:

Keeler was holding the hand of Doug Watson, one of his senior standouts, during a prayer in the Salem locker room back in '93. Watson was a defensive back who had been kicked off the Rutgers team and made good on a second chance at Rowan. Keeler was taken by the fact the young man had turned his life around when he got even more whipped up.

``He was done saying that prayer and the door opened and the sun came in,'' Keeler said from his office Tuesday. ``Then there was a shadow; a guy from ESPN stepped in and said, `You're on national television in seven seconds.' I still get goose bumps just talking about it.''

Keeler says he and the Profs have been thinking of returning ever since that day. ``It's definitely the driving force, the memories of being there,'' he said. ``I guess it's a sickness I have. I want to do this so bad.''

There was a point this year, however, when the Profs seemed likely not only to miss the Stagg Bowl, but the entire playoffs. After a 4-0 start, Rowan lost to Division II Southern Connecticut 21-20 and was down 14-7 late in its game at Cortland (N.Y.) State. ``We knew we couldn't lose that game,'' Keeler said.

So when the Profs scored a touchdown with 4:40 left to cut the deficit to one point, Keeler kicked for a tie. He thought there was enough time for Rowan to kick deep, stop Cortland and get the ball back in position for a winning score. As it turned out, there were four turnovers in the last four minutes and the teams were stuck with a tie.

But Rowan remained undefeated in Division III.

``If we didn't get that thing tied,'' Keeler said, ``I think we definitely would have been out'' of the playoff picture.

This week, Keeler won't be thinking of the merits of ties. His mind is on the national championship.

MOHAWK MADNESS: If you see some strange characters among the Wisconsin-La Crosse contingent this week, don't be alarmed. The Road Warriors aren't in town. It's linebacker Mike Maslowski and defensive end Jesse Miller, the Eagles' mohawk mavens.

Maslowski, who along with linebacker Matt Spellman forms the duo known as ``Thunder and Lightning,'' swore he wouldn't ditch his mohawk hairstyle until La Crosse lost a game. It hasn't happened this season; the Eagles are 13-0.

Miller's hairdo is said to resemble the helmet design of the NFL's St.Louis Rams. Considering he'll be on national television this week, might he tame his curious coiffure?

``I don't believe so,'' said Eagles spokesman Todd Clark. ``And he should.''

LENGTH: Medium:   59 lines

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