Copyright (c) 1995, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, December 8, 1995               TAG: 9512080077
COLUMN: The Good Neighbors Fund


Rather than exchange Christmas gifts this year, several residents of Allendale Street Southwest decided to make a contribution to the Good Neighbors Fund.

One resident, Marti Turner, said the decision to give was easy because everyone felt positive about "the benefits of doing it and helping other neighborhoods out and other neighbors, so to speak."

Some of the neighbors discussed the idea over the summer. Then Turner wrote letters to her neighbors, and another neighbor delivered them. She said the response was great, with just about everybody on the block chipping in.

The joint effort is not unusual for this group of neighbors, some of whom have lived there for 13 years. They throw an annual Labor Day block party, and one family sponsors a Christmas caroling party every year.

Turner said she thinks the Good Neighbors Fund will become another tradition for this group of friends and neighbors.

Thursday's contributors included:

Stan and Lauren Breakell, Bob and Alice Flynn, Vic and Kathy Gilchrist, Jim and Chris Harkness, Bud and Ann Martin, Joel and Christy Nichols, Kipper and Mary Nottingham, Tom and Ann Palmer, Janet Rutherford, John and Lauren Saunders and Morris and Marti Turner, in honor of their good friends and Allendale Street neighbors

Baird Drywall & Acoustic Inc., in memory of Barry Palmer

Mrs. Steve Points

Lawrence Fitzgerald, in memory of loved ones

Patricia Slough, in memory of her father, William H. Slough

Virginia Slough, in honor of Gale James, L.P.N. at Camelot Nursing Home

The Adult Class at Wheatland Lutheran Church, Buchanan

Bobbie and Ted Cundiff

Ray and Marilyn Straub, in memory of their daughter, Karen S. Quesinberry

Luke Waid, in memory of Ben and Cecil Waid

In honor of the staff of First Christian Church, Roanoke: Jim Rivers, Jeff Hummel, Chrissie Anderson and Hassie Pike

Jimmy and Rita Loyd, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Smith, Jean, Keith and Mrs. Emma Atkins

David A. Foley, in honor of Steven G. Foley

Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Allison Jr., in memory of their parents

Norma Jean Wray, in honor of Pam Hall

Lee Kingery Jr.

Roy and Doris Pollard

Lewis and Anna Vest, in memory of Robert and Livie Vest and Edward Watson States

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fishwick

Ruby Barrett, in memory of loved ones

Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Martin

Hugh Garth

George and Louise Kegley

Janice S. Humphreys, in memory of Harry Humphreys

Rev. and Mrs. James W. Reynolds

Wayne and Dot Webb, in memory of their parents, T.R. and Kathleen Webb and Wilbur and Ida Fridley, and their niece, Trina Suzanne Wood

Grace H. Long, in memory of A.B. Harris Sr.

C.E. Coffman

Bill and Dorothy Zackmann,

Frank E. Dawson, in memory of his wife, Celeste Dawson

Betty and Jerry Spruell, in memory of Durward Powell

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Hubbard, in memory of Mark Hubbard

Kathryn T. Doughty

Louis and Vera Showalter

Bob and Shirley Berbert

Emmett and Evelyn Wilburn

The Circle 5 Class at First United Methodist Church, Salem

Rose Marie Assenat, in honor of Jean Wray

Louise and Ronald MacLeod

George and Betty Hull

Mary L. Cathey and Ann E. Cathey, in memory of loved ones

Bob and Helen Gibson, in memory of Thelma Hunley

Margaret East

Roanoke Williamson Road Lions Club Inc.



TOTAL AS OF 12/7/95$29,394.75

Checks should be made payable to Good Neighbors Fund and mailed to The Roanoke Times, P.0. Box 1951, Roanoke 24008.

Names - but not amounts of donations - of contributing businesses, individuals or organizations, as well as memorial and honorific designations, will be listed in the newspaper. Those requesting that their names not be used will remain anonymous. If no preference is stated, the donor's name will be listed.

Gifts cannot be earmarked for any particular individual or family. Gifts are tax-deductible.

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