Copyright (c) 1995, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, December 15, 1995              TAG: 9512150052
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1    EDITION: METRO 
COLUMN: Friday Something


If Fido refuses to wear those humiliating reindeer antlers this year, dress him in style for the holidays in a leather-look K-9 bomber jacket (adorned with Milk-Bone patch) or, for the more trendy yuppie puppie, a doggie flannel shirt in traditional plaid or ``grunge'' beige (blends well with teen-agers).

While you're sipping Chardonnay or Evian, Duke or Muffy can be slurping crispy-beef flavor ThirstyDog! - a bottled, carbonated blend of purified water, vitamins and minerals, priced about the same as a liter of Coke. The drinks have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for human consumption, in case you and your precious pooch want to share a toast.

For more pampered tastes, Protect-A-Pet designer water in beef, chicken or fish flavors is available for $13 a bottle.

Afraid your precious darling will be bored to the bone while you're entertaining?

The ``Doggie Adventure'' video is shot from a dog's point of view - about two feet off the ground - and includes a ride in the car, a sniff along the aisles of a pet store and down a city sidewalk - with appropriately timed stops at fire hydrants.

If howliday festivites leave you and Fido less than fit, he can trot alongside your exercise bike on a Jog-A-Dog, a motorized treadmill for dogs (starting at $1,000).

Of course, just as we threaten children with lumps of coal if they've been more naughty than nice, before you buy anything for your canine compadre, perhaps you should ask yourself how many times he's been in the dog house this year.

LENGTH: Short :   38 lines

by CNB