Copyright (c) 1995, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, December 21, 1995            TAG: 9512210027
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1    EDITION: METRO 
                                             TYPE: SHORT STORY CONTEST 


December 22

This story was a finalist in The Roanoke Times" "A Christmas Memory" contest, which attracted more than 800 entries including many from students. The winner will be published on Christmas Day. Ryan Wood, 15, is a sophomore at Patrick Henry High School.

BRRRRR. Boy, IT'S getting cold. This is not the time to be a pine tree. A fir tree, now that is a warm tree. That's the tree to be when the weather changes like this. About this time you start to feel sorry for the deciduous trees because they loose their leaves in the fall. Then again, they gloat over their beautiful colors in the fall, so I guess they don't deserve any pity when they freeze in the winter. They do look pretty in their reds, yellows and oranges.

I was hoping that we would be spared this year, but some of my friends have already been cut down and strapped to the roof of a car. Where they go from there, I do not know. They are probably turned into firewood to warm the humans' cold hearts. Uh oh. Here the humans come They have stopped at me. Mother! Hey, that hurts! Great, now I'm bleeding.

From down below we hear a woman say, ``Watch out for that sap! You can never get that stuff out of your clothes. Come on now, we only have to dig a few more inches.''

I'm falling! I'm falling! aaahhhhh ...!


Ouch! Great, now I am being dragged through the snow. Uhf! Thank God they have stopped. Oh, no. Now I'm being strapped to the hood of a car, just like that deer last summer.

(After a bumpy ride the car finally comes to its destination.)

``Well, at least I am being unstrapped. I guess there is one good thing about my situation. Before I die I will get to see the inside of one of those houses. Watch the steps! Watch the steps! Ouch, ouch, ouch!

Whoa, what just happened? I didn't know it was possible for a tree to loose consciousness. Hey, what happened while I was out? They covered me with ornaments! I am more beautiful than that maple tree! Now I can brag! Maybe the humans aren't so bad after all."

December 25

The window they put me next to is perfect for watching the sun come up. The humans really should be down here enjoying this with me.

(Thump, thump, thump.)

Speak of the devil, here they come. Whoa, look at them tear into those presents, I didn't think that any of God's creatures could be so greedy.

The mother sure did make a lot of food for just a small family, but then again, they are wolfing down their food. Uh oh, they are coming over here. Hey, don't take my ornaments! Please!

Great, now I am just a plain old pine tree. What else could go wrong?

Me and my big mouth! I am going to be dragged down the steps again! Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch! Uhf, I guess they are going to leave me here on this cold street comer.

Well, here comes another human. He is probably coming to laugh at me. No, he just stopped. He is picking me up. Yessss! No more being dragged from here to there, and no more sitting on that cold street corner.

Let's see, where is the house that I am going to now? Hey, that's not a house, that's a car.

(The old car door opens, and out comes a small boy in a ragged coat.)

``Daddy, you got us a Christmas tree this year! Thank you, daddy. I love you so much I don't care so much about not getting any presents, but it wouldn't be Christmas without a tree. Look at the paper chain I made while I was waiting for you. I saved my bread from the mission lunch so we could have a special dinner tonight.''

What? You mean that I am not just a plant to someone? Hey, they are even planting me back in the ground. Maybe humans aren't so bad, as long as they appreciate the little things like me.

LENGTH: Medium:   79 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  (headshot) Ryan Wood. color.

Ryan Wood

by CNB