Copyright (c) 1995, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, December 21, 1995            TAG: 9512210065
COLUMN: The good neighbors fund


Contributions to this year's Good Neighbors Fund are ahead of last year's for the first four weeks of the drive.

Donations through Wednesday had reached $72,537.02 - $13,500 more than the amount collected by Dec. 20, 1994.

Wendy Moore, executive director of Roanoke Area Ministries, thinks the rise in giving this year will enable RAM to help more people.

More middle-income Roanoke-area residents have asked for assistance after being laid off from work or suffering financial difficulties, she said. Such people eventually will return to being self-supporting, but in the meantime, RAM can get them back on track - especially with a larger Good Neighbors Fund.

"It allows us to help them more than we normally would," Moore said.

The Roanoke Times has sponsored the Good Neighbors Fund for the past 12 years as a community service. All contributions are given to RAM.

Walter Rugaber, president and publisher of the newspaper, said he's encouraged by the way individuals and organizations have reached into their purses to help others.

Contributions have come from various sources, including schoolchildren, social, civic and church groups, and people who have been helped by others.

Becky Ayres said she was giving in return for the help she and her husband, Ron, received in years past.

In a letter enclosed with the Ayres' contribution, she wrote that Ron, then 49, lost his job in 1988 when the company he worked for went bankrupt. Three months later, he got a new job, only to lose it two days before Christmas because of downsizing at the business.

The company took him back nine months later but let him go again when it left Roanoke.

"For the second time, he lost his job during Christmas week," Becky Ayres wrote.

During this time, however, the family paid all its bills and kept two children in college. Ron Ayres worked odd jobs and has enjoyed steady employment since January 1993.

Because they were able to battle back from adversity, Becky Ayres wrote that she and her husband were giving to the Good Neighbors Fund "in honor of those who kept the faith with us" and in honor of their first grandchild, who will be born in the spring.

"It's time we gave back," she wrote.

Wednesday's contributors included:

In memory of Anne Harper

Vera Smith, in memory of her husband, Lonza Smith

Frieda W. Hiner, in memory of her mother, Eleanor M. Walthall

Morris and Marti Turner, in memory of Lorana T. Moomaw

G. Murrell and Patricia Smith

Mary Frances Petty, in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Lee Tucker

In honor of the College of Health Sciences, Community Hospital of Roanoke Valley

Bob and Jackie Martin

Anne Baldridge Cox, in honor of the staff of MKB Realtors

Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Wright Jr.

W.W. and Phyllis Burch, in memory of their parents

Betty Stanley

Geraldine Brumberg, in loving memory of Howard Hammersley

Martha Turner, in memory of Greta Sturrock

Susan Kramer, in memory of her sister, Linda Saunders

Tootie Brown, in honor of her fellow teacher at South Salem School, Myra Crew

In honor of Bruce W. Janney, Robert L. Price and Robert E. Hadley

The Hardee's Brambleton Avenue Breakfast Club, in memory of Frank Baker, Joe Byrum, Pete Miller and Ben Stultz

AMVETS Auxiliary No.2, in honor of Virginia Arquilla

Susan Fry

George A. Shelor

William H. Meyers, in honor of his grandchildren

Dale and Muriel Bennett

The fifth-grade students at Mount Pleasant School

The Trigon Blue Cross Blue Shield Telemarketing Fun Fund

Mrs. Virginia International Pageant, in honor of 1996 contestants

Willing Workers Sunday school class, Peters Creek Church of the Brethren, in honor of their pastor, Jack Lowe and family and Rodney Long

Wendy and Bill Moore, in honor of RAM volunteers

In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Beverly T. Fitzpatrick

Mabel Dulaney, Laretta Hodges and Cynthia Frozier, in honor of Dr. James Gooding

Jean Seleno, in memory of her mother and father, Blanche and Ralph Daniel

Glen and Barbara Fleenor, in memory of their parents

Joanna Hardie, in honor of Mrs. Tabor, her teacher at Penn Forest Elementary School

The employees of Virginia Truck Center, in honor of Frank Ellett, Pete Plunkett and Mickey Dowling

J.M. White

Daniel R. Duffy, in memory of Patricia R. Whitby

Wayne White, Susan Gill and S.E. Staff, in honor of Richard Dickson, executive director of ARC Roanoke Inc.

The Worleys, Mullins, Hulls, Fitzhughs and Gregory Smith, in honor of James A. King Jr. upon his retirement from New River Electrical Corp.

Ronnie and Gail Blanchard, in memory of her parents, Charlie V. Carter and Kyma A. Carter

Christine and Herbert Abernathy, in memory of Dave Lamanca

Rhonda Gusler, in memory of Jimmy Shively

Robert and Frances Henderson

Lois K. Powers, in memory of loved ones

Julian and Dot Ferguson, in memory of their parents, Fitzhugh and Maybelle Ferguson, and Henry and Gladys Wright

Daily Bread Sunday School Class, Cloverdale Church of the Brethren

Paul and Beverly White, in honor of their neighbors

Jimmy and Linda Bush, in memory of Bessie McLain

Eric, Diane and Sarah Lawson, in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. Bill Klein

Cely Mangus, in honor of the wonderful volunteers at Roanoke Memorial Hospital

Sally and Merritt Nichols, in honor of their team coaches past and present

Willard and Mildred Epperly, in memory of their parents

Fred and Elise Knowles, in memory of their loved ones

Billie Pavich, in memory of Jesse

Melvin and Carol Williams

Bob and Carol Johnston, in memory of Martha Ferguson

Drs. Nevin, Lebow, Bell, Priddy and Polverino, nurse practitioners Susan Adamson and Dody Raplee and physicians' assistant Sharon Bruce, in honor of the staff, administration and residents of Camelot Hall of Salem, Richfield Nursing Center and Snyder Nursing Home

Betsy and Greg Feldmann, in honor of their friends and neighbors

Marie Wells, in memory of T.K. Austin

Nell Deaner, in memory of her sisters, Alice D. Hicks, Geneva Mathena, Alma D. Humbert; her husband, F.L. Deaner; her son, Ronnie Deaner

Margaret and Ron Schomisch, in honor of their sister and brother-in-law, Virginia and Howard Emmons.

Ron and Becky Ayres


SUBTOTAL - $3,439.50

TOTAL AS OF 12/20/95 - $72,537.02

Checks should be made payable to Good Neighbors Fund and mailed to The Roanoke Times, P.0. Box 1951, Roanoke 24008.

Names - but not amounts of donations - of contributing businesses, individuals or organizations, as well as memorial and honorific designations, will be listed in the newspaper. Those requesting that their names not be used will remain anonymous. If no preference is stated, the donor's name will be listed.

Gifts cannot be earmarked for any particular individual or family. Gifts are tax-deductible.

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