Copyright (c) 1995, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, December 28, 1995            TAG: 9512290008
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1    EDITION: METRO 


YOU don't want to be in Times Square on New Year's Eve. It's just too big, too crowded, too far away.

But you'd like a little company - preferably of folks who aren't at risk of sharing their overindulgence in champagne with you.

How about an alcohol-free environment for kids and adults alike?

That's just what the sponsors of the fifth annual celebration of First Night Roanoke have in mind for you.

More than 100 performances or hands-on activities are scheduled in 15 locations downtown.

There are numerous new activities this year, as well as some old favorites, according to Wendi Schultz, executive director of Roanoke's Festival in the Park, which sponsors First Night.

``We've got a jazz room that's new this year, a fun-and-fitness course, a poetry slam and a ventriloquist,'' Schultz said.

Also among the new acts is Hobey Ford, an Asheville, N.C.-based puppeteer who is scheduled to appear at the Kennedy Center in March.

His act, to be held in the Central Church of the Brethren at 6, 8 and 10 p.m., explores the lives of a group of endangered species ``whose existence lies in the balance.''

Comedienne Margaret Baker combines satire and silliness in an act called ``Infinity Babies.''

The Hillsboro, W.Va.-based actress, presents ``a parade of comic characters who cover the topics of poisonous gases for the young at heart, sensitive TV hunks, dessert in the afterlife, and the dangers of bran muffins.''

You can catch the act at the American Red Cross building at 7 p.m. and the Central Church of the Brethren at 10:30 p.m.

Ventriloquist Tyrone Travis and his sidekick Tilford ``do more than just entertain children, they also enliven the adult crowd with their clean nightclub humor,'' promoters say.

The act is scheduled at Central Church of the Brethren at 7, 9 and 11 p.m.

As usual, there is also a wide variety of local talent performing at First Night, including musicians ranging from Jewish and Gospel music, to folk, to Big Band sounds.

Those who like to dance can attend the No-Alcohol Ball at the Apco Parking Garage or the Dance Hall in the Commonwealth Building where The Regents will play. There also will be lessons in Greek folk dancing, as well as the New England style known as Contra dancing.

If that isn't enough exercise for you, there is the Midnight Run at 10, a five-kilometer race that begins on Campbell Avenue between Third and Fourth Streets.

There also are numerous activities for children - face painting, cardboard box trains, play-dough creations and miniature golf, among others.

Events begin at 6 p.m. and end with midnight fireworks immediately after the Chinese dragon processional. Actually, the spaghetti supper at St. John's Episcopal Church begins at 5 p.m., if you want to get a head start on the evening. There also will be numerous other food vendors at the entertainment sites.

Schultz pointed out that many activities are inside one of the First Night locations, so virtually everything can be held no matter what the weather is like. Some events and food vendors are outside, though, so participants should dress warmly in layered clothing.

Admission to all events (except the spaghetti supper, which costs $5 for adults and $2 for children) is by First Night button. Buttons are on sale in advance at 7-11, Heironimus, Save-X Mini Marts, NBC Bank, N&W Credit Union, Kroger, Stop-In, NationsBank, Harris Teeter, Rally's, Roanoke Co-op, B&D Comics, YMCA, Roanoker Restaurant, The Roanoke Times and Minit Saver Food Market of Montvale.

Buttons cost $7 for adults when purchased in advance, and $3 for children ages 2 to 12. At the door, New Year's Eve, they will cost $9 and $5.

LENGTH: Medium:   75 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  McKenzie, iBecky McKenzie, Baker, White, Ensemble 

Europa, Travis, Ford, Woody & Marcia McKenzie. Graphic: Chart:

Schedule of performances and events. color. Logo. color.

by CNB