Copyright (c) 1995, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, December 31, 1995              TAG: 9601020065
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C9   EDITION: METRO 


The lines of succession had begun to form even before Mike Groh played his final game as Virginia's quarterback Saturday night.

Tommy Reamon, who coached Aaron Brooks at Ferguson High School in Newport News, said he will not encourage Brooks to remain at UVa if he does not get a fair shot at the quarterback job this spring.

Brooks, a redshirt freshman, played in two games this season and failed to complete a pass in two attempts. He was rated one of the top five prospects in the state in 1993 by The Roanoke Times.

Tim Sherman, a fourth-year junior, received playing time at quarterback in six games and tossed a pair of touchdown passes after Groh was injured in the Cavaliers' 36-29 loss to Virginia Tech.

Reamon said he has had regular discussions with offensive coordinator Tom O'Brien, who recruited Brooks, and has spoken this month with UVa head coach George Welsh.

``Sherman is a problem for me, but they're going to deal with that in the spring,'' Reamon said. ``Welsh traditionally has gone with a fifth-year senior at quarterback, plus, his daddy [receivers coach Tom Sherman] is on the staff.

``I talked about it before [Brooks] signed. I asked, `Is this going to be a problem?' But, I know the world we live in. We'll see. Groh had a great year, so the original plan is still in place.''

Sherman and Brooks were considered equals going into the preseason - indeed, a commitment to the two younger quarterbacks was one reason that veteran Symmion Willis passed up his final season - but Sherman got an early baptism at Michigan.

``I've spent most of the time trying to keep [Brooks] patient,'' Reamon said. ``He's no doubt their best quarterback, but he's young, he's adjusting.

``We're not going to question the decision to go to Virginia. I don't want it to sound like I'm threatening anyone, but I'll pull him out of there if I don't think they're doing right by him.''

It is only slightly reassuring for Reamon that the Cavaliers are unlikely to sign a high-profile quarterback prospect.

``They better not,'' said Reamon, who has a father-son relationship with several of his ex-players, including Brooks. ``He'll be out of there in a heartbeat.''

To this point, Sherman has not received the vote of confidence that was given Groh at the end of the 1994 season. However, even teammates agree that Brooks needs a better command of the offense.

``Brooks is a good physical talent,'' quarterbacks coach Joe Krivak said. ``He's got a good, live arm. He's mobile and now it's a question of taking care of the mental things. That doesn't happen overnight.

``I think he's made a lot of progress because, the first year, he was redshirted and spent most of the time on the scout team, running plays off of cards. Now, he's learning the offense and studying film and things of that sort.

``The key for him and Sherm, although I think Sherm's maybe a little ahead because he's been around longer and been closer to it, is how they progress in the spring. I think they're fighting it out for No.1 and No.2.''

Reamon was correct in saying that Welsh has had a preference for fifth-year quarterbacks, four of whom have started for UVa since 1990. However, another Reamon statement has not been verified by another source.

``If things hadn't gone right against Florida State, it all would have been revamped,'' said Reamon, presumably referring to a move to Brooks. ``It all came very close to happening and they know it.''

SCOUT-TEAM SCUTTLEBUTT: Shannon Taylor, a former All-Group AAA quarterback at Patrick Henry High School in Roanoke, has told friends he has a decision to make before the spring.

Welsh has told Taylor (6 feet 3, 231 pounds) that he can compete for the quarterback job; however, other UVa coaches think Taylor may have more potential as a linebacker.

Virginia has one commitment from a quarterback, David Rivers (pronounced RYE-vers) from Augusta, Ga., but apparently has dropped out of the running for preseason All-America quarterback Tim Hasselbeck.

One Virginia assistant says freshman Will Thompson, a 6-3, 200-pound walk-on, is reminiscent of Groh at a similar stage. Thompson passed for 14 touchdowns as a senior at Memphis (Tenn.) University School.

UVa aide Danny Wilmer, who coached former All-American and 10-year pro Jim Dombrowski, says he sees many of the same attributes in freshman offensive tackle Noal Lamontagne, a 6-4, 291-pounder.

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