Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, January 19, 1996               TAG: 9601190029
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1    EDITION: METRO 
COLUMN: Friday Something


1995 could go down in the books as a very strange year. Need some proof? Try these:

Who's really bananas? A Turkish mayor banned Dole bananas in his town because he doesn't like Sen. Bob Dole. The mayor blames Dole for an attempt in Congress to deny aid to Turkey. He claims Dole owns the fruit company. (There is no connection between the fruit growers and the Senate's top banana.)

Talk about nasal congestion! A Dalmatian living in New York, prone to chewing anything not nailed down, ended up with a Bic pen up her nose. Veterinarians first told the dog's owners her skull would have to be opened to remove the pen, but veterinary surgeon Amy Kapatkin eventually used a giant forceps to pull the pen out the dog's nose.

The dog is fine; the pen still writes; the dog's owners hope the pen company will cough up the money for the treatment.

Nothing up his sleeve: Brian Dawson had something in his pants, and it wasn't ants. Dawson's pet boa popped out of his underwear as he was changing into a jail uniform after being arrested on charges of speeding and other vehicular charges in Brooklyn Heights, Ohio. He told police he was trying to keep the snake warm.

Call it Air Charmin: A pilot was sentenced to 60 days in jail for trying to paper Main Street in Independence, Kansas, with toilet paper - dropped from his plane.

Sheriff Jack Daniels said Robert Moore had been drinking with friends and boasted he could hit Main Street from the air.

He was convicted of littering, but not on Main Street. He had missed his target.

Hey, I'm not making these up! I read them in the paper.

LENGTH: Short :   40 lines

by CNB