ROANOKE TIMES Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times DATE: Wednesday, January 31, 1996 TAG: 9601310021 SECTION: EDITORIAL PAGE: A-8 EDITION: METRO TYPE: LETTERS
I AM amazed that a community that could raise more than $6 million for Renew Roanoke so that Hotel Roanoke could reopen and operate with a wonderful new conference center could allow the area around this facility to look so trashy.
Look at the Roanoke Civic Center. It's filthy, and in need of extensive repair.
Another example is the historic City Market building. Walk around and look at it. It's disgustingly dirty, and in need of a new roof! If that building is supposed to be the centerpiece of the market area, then we should be ashamed. And what about the last piece of the old Hunter Viaduct? It's time to demolish that eyesore.
Mayor David Bowers and Roanoke City Council talk a good game. Hire a consultant to study this, get together regionally to discuss that - and all the while our city falls deeper into disrepair. If grades were given to the mayor for performance and actually doing something for the city (not for his political career), he would deserve a D-.
Republicans believe in charity for none
HOORAY for Clay Coey's Jan. 15 letter to the editor, ``Gingrich deserves nation's gratitude.'' Finally we have someone who has the courage to tell it like it is - or should be.
This business of being your brother's keeper, doing to others as you would have them do unto you, living with charity in your heart and helping those who need it is just so much garbage. Those Boy Scouts who help old ladies cross the street are most likely stupid, little bleeding-heart liberals. Republicans like Phil Gramm, Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey and John Kasich have the right idea. They say it's more important to give big tax cuts to people who least need them than to help those poor and elderly whiners with their heating bills in the cold winter months. They, like Coey, have the right idea, which is hooray for me and the heck with you.
As for the greedy elders who cry over Medicare, what difference does it make if they don't have the money to pay for their health care, or if they can't see their own doctor because the health-maintenance organization they belong to, if they belong to one, won't take elderly patients because they have more health problems? Tough!
You know what Marie Antoinette said when told about the poor people who were rioting because they were starving? She said that if they had no bread, they should eat cake.
Well, I hope Coey enjoys his cake while he sees others around him perish because they have no bread.
County can't justify more tax increases
I WOULD like to say a hearty amen to David Courey's Jan. 6 letter to the editor, "County taxes are already too high.''
I like living in the county, but the cost is getting out of hand. Real-estate assessments are increasing each year. During the period 1987 through 1994, my increases averaged 4.5 percent. For '95-'96, it was 9.8 percent. Last year my real-estate tax increase was $102, and this year it will be $139.
Courey named all the other taxes Roanoke County residents pay, including the high cost of water. It's time for the county's Board of Supervisors to get on the ball and do something about these high taxes and water rates, and not talk about increases. With these high real-estate assessments each year, they don't need to increase taxes.
Another vote for the `Bridget' bridge
WITH REFERENCE to Sam G. Riley's Jan. 22 letter to the editor (``What about Bob? Nosireebob. Maybe Tom? Dick? Harry?'') concerning Roanoke's new pedestrian bridge:
I think his suggestion - ``Bridget'' - is the best yet!
Clinton should sign abortion-ban bill
I LISTENED to President Clinton's address on Jan. 23, and was happy about some of the things he said (if he didn't lie). But the one thing I was waiting to hear - that he would sign the bill banning late-term, partial-birth abortions - he completely ignored.
Now I also learn that Planned Parenthood is urging him to veto this bill, and to continue to kill innocent children. What horror! How can someone who claims to love children plan on killing them?
Landlords should know the law
REGARDING your Jan. 24 article, ``Roanoke won't cite owners after 5-death house fire'':
Since when is ignorance of the law accepted as an excuse? It is the landlord's responsibility to find out the laws that apply to any properties he or she rents. To not cite the owner in this case is especially wrong. It sends a message to other landlords to simply claim ``I didn't know'' when something happens at or on their properties.
Shame on the Roanoke building commissioner for allowing this to occur.
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