Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Tuesday, March 12, 1996                TAG: 9603120128
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-1  EDITION: METRO 


It's a good thing Virginia Tech coach Bill Foster doesn't curse, punch chalkboards or throw chairs.

If he did, Foster would have been one tough dude to live with Monday.

Still stewing from the No.9 Midwest seed dealt his Hokies on Sunday by the NCAA Tournament selection committee, Foster said Monday he'd like some straight answers from someone.

``I'm getting to be like Dick Vitale now in that I'm asking `just what in the heck is going on?''' Foster said.

``We must be the highest-rated team in the polls to be seeded this low in the tournament in history.''

The Hokies, ranked No.15 in the Associated Press poll when the NCAA released its 64-team draw, were No.35 on the NCAA board.

Thus, they got a No.9 seed. That means a tough first-round game Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in Dallas against Wisconsin-Green Bay. Then, if they beat the Phoenix, they face No.1 Midwest seed Kentucky on Saturday.

Foster said he can't fathom how Tech's stock plummeted so quickly. The Hokies (22-5), thanks to a 77-71 upset loss to Rhode Island in last week's Atlantic 10 Conference quarterfinals, fell seven spots to No.22 in Monday's AP poll.

Foster said he doesn't buy the argument that his club was burned by its poor strength of schedule rating in the Ratings Percentage Index, one of the measuring sticks used by the NCAA in its selection and seeding process.

``There are people seeded higher than us whose schedule wasn't as strong as ours,'' Foster said.

``There's four or five tools that can be used for every argument in this deal. I'd just like to know exactly what everything is based on.''

Obviously, the NCAA relied heavily on the RPI. Fifty percent of the RPI is derived from a club's strength of schedule.

Tech finished 35th in the RPI. Of those 35 teams, Tech was 35th in strength of schedule. The only team ranked ahead of Tech in the RPI to receive a lower seed than the Hokies was No.31 Santa Clara (19-8), which got a a No.10 seed. No team seeded higher than Tech had a lower strength of scheduling rating, according to the RPI.

Realizing he must play the hand dealt him, Foster said the Hokies can use the low seed as a motivator.

``I think we should,'' Foster said. ``The kids had figured us as a six or a seven. and then we're a nine.

``It's hard for them to figure how we dropped so much, and we're still in the polls today. You tell me.''

Green Bay coach Mike Heideman said Monday he couldn't understand Tech's low seed, either.

``I was surprised when they came along as a ninth seed,'' Heideman said. ``As an eight, you don't figure on having to play a highly-ranked team like Tech right off the bat. I'm happy we're in the tournament; I'm disappointed we're playing Virginia Tech.''

HANDS OFF, PLEASE: Senior starters Shawn Smith and Damon Watlington, both injured in Tech's loss to Rhode Island, have gotten the pet-glove treatment in practice the past two days.

Smith is nursing a mild separation of his left shoulder, while Watlington is taking it easy on a sprained right ankle.

``Both are going limited time because both can be reinjured,'' Foster said.

``Damon is OK on the offensive end, but the defensive end, where you get the constant push off the foot, is what concerns me. I'm hoping with two more days off he'll be close to OK.

``Smitty got hit a couple times in practice, and it hurt him. It looks like he's going to have to play with some pain.''

Foster said he didn't want to use the injuries as a crutch after losing to Rhode Island.

``It made a difference in the game, but I didn't want to cry about it,'' Foster said. ``If we'd won [over URI], I don't think those two guys could have played the next night. So we probably wouldn't have gotten out of there anyway. It's hard for me to see us beating Temple without Smitty and Wat.

``Not a lot was made about the injuries, but it certainly made a difference in that game.''

Both players were injured in the first half and later returned. Both had season-low scoring games - Smith had two points, Watlington three.

JACKSONS IN DEMAND: Tech twins Jim and David Jackson have been busy fielding questions from Wisconsin reporters. The Jacksons are natives of Janesville, Wis.

``We looked at the Jacksons,'' Heideman said. ``But they were pretty well set on going to Fork Union [Military Academy] by then.''

Foster said the Jacksons have offered insight on Green Bay.

``Those boys have followed that program, and they know a lot about their personnel, so it helps us a little,'' Foster said.

TECH TIDBITS: Tech will fly out of Roanoke for Dallas this afternoon. The Hokies' first workout at Reunion Arena comes Wednesday. ... Tech is making its first NCAA trip since 1986 and its seventh overall. Tech is 3-3 all-time in NCAA first-round games and has lost its past two openers. Tech has lost its past three NCAA games. The Hokies' last NCAA victory was in 1980, 89-85 over Western Kentucky in overtime at Bowling Green, Ky. ... The A-10 has four NCAA entries for only the second time. The A-10 also had four contestants in 1992-93.

LENGTH: Medium:   96 lines

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