Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, March 15, 1996                 TAG: 9603150027
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1    EDITION: METRO 


The John Boy and Billy [show] is 4 million percent better and funnier than Sam and Mark.

The John Boy and Billy show is much better. It's funnier, it's syndicated, it's growing nationally, it's all over the South, it's pretty much all over everywhere, which goes to say that they're not stupid, they're not dumb, they have a good thing going, and I've been wanting it to come to Roanoke for a long time...If people would give John Boy and Billy a chance, I think it would come off real well. I think it was a good decision.

I used to live in Charlotte, so I'm pretty familiar with John Boy and Billy. I don't know what the big argument is about. I mean, it's the number-one show in the Southeast, if not the whole country. I think the people in Roanoke are being babies by not giving it a chance. It's...far funnier than the old show. I think people have just got to get used to it and quit crying about it. I think people are making a big deal out of nothing here.

Roanoke, get a life. John Boy and Billy is the best show there is. Adios, amigos.

Man, John Boy and Billy is crazy. All the guys are crazy down there. Raiford's the craziest. He's crazier than an outhouse rat. Keep up the good work, guys.

I'd rather hear two funny guys from Charlotte than two guys I never laugh at from Roanoke.

Change is good.

There is just no comparison of John Boy and Billy to Sam Giles...I mean, I would rather listen to static Sam Giles and that mundane crap that he has. John Boy and Billy is awesome. I mean, it's killer.

John Boy and Billy are something new and different and fresh. It's not the same old Sam and Mark, rah, rah, rah, every single day. Leave them on there. It's something new. It's good. They're hilarious. They're funny. Give them a break.

If we can get another easy-listening station for the Geritol crowd, then Sam and Mark would do real good at that because they sure put me to sleep.

If Sam and Mark were so damn good, they wouldn't have been ... sacked.

LENGTH: Short :   44 lines

by CNB