Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, March 23, 1996               TAG: 9603250010


Atlanta pastor's wife drops divorce petition

ATLANTA - Although Anna Stanley was not at her husband's side at the 11 a.m. service at First Baptist Church, the Rev. Charles Stanley said he had never felt more loved in his life than in the past three years.

The recent service began with two standing ovations. Stanley read his wife's letter to his congregation saying she had withdrawn her divorce petition.

``You could have fired me and sent me away, but you didn't,'' Stanley told the congregation. ``What you have done to me and for me is to show me Christ-like love.''

Anna Stanley dismissed her divorce suit against Stanley on March 14, ending nearly three years of uncertainty about his role at the church. Stanley had said he had not wanted the divorce and would step down if it became final.

Church members said the news was a victory not just for the Stanleys, who have been married 40 years, and First Baptist, but for their own faith.

``This is what we've been praying for,'' said hospitality worker Harold Jose, a member for 10 years. ``I was thrilled.''

- Associated Press

Consecration planned

The consecration of the fifth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia will take place in Burruss Hall of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg on Saturday, Oct. 26. At a recent meeting of the Executive Board of the diocese it was announced that the election will take place June 22 at St. John's Episcopal Church in Roanoke. Five candidates, being screened by a nominating committee, will be announced in early May and will visit the diocese the weekend of May 18. The new bishop will begin work immediately after the retirement of Bishop A. Heath Light at the consecration.

Jews plan seder

A congregational seder for the observance of the festival of Passover is scheduled at Beth Israel Synagogue in Roanoke on April 4. Western Virginia Jews who wish to participate in the ritual meal with others in the congregation may make reservations by calling 345-7943. by Monday.

Lectures at E&H

Emory & Henry College at Emory has announced that the Staley Lecture Series scheduled Sunday and Monday will feature Dr. Samuel S. Hill, emeritus professor of history at the University of Florida. On Sunday night he will speak on ``A Christian College: So What's That Supposed to Mean?'' On Monday his topic will be ``Fiction as Theology: Flannery O'Connor and Religion in the South.'' Both lectures will begin at 8:15 in Mason Fellowship Hall. Call 944-6130 or 429-2286 for more information.

Bagpipes at service

A Kirkin' O' the Tartan service featuring a Western Virginia bagpipe band is scheduled Sunday at 4 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in downtown Salem. The Virginia Highlands Pipes and Drums Band will perform as part of an Evensong service and blessing. A Scottish potluck dessert social will follow the service. Call 389-9307 for more information.

Lecture and workshop

``Dealing with Congregational Myths'' will be the theme of the Rev. David L. Odom at a breakfast lecture for religion professionals Tuesday at Lewis-Gale Hospital's Conference Room A. It will begin at 8:15 . Odom, who will remain to lead a workshop for which there is a $10 fee, is director of the Center for Congregational Health at North Carolina Baptist Hospital. The program is one of a series sponsored by the hospital's Department of Pastoral Care and the Mental Health Association of Roanoke Valley. Call 344-0931 for more information.

Alumnus honored

The Rev. J. Russell Comer, a native of Richlands who has Western Virginia relatives, has been named a distinguished leader in religious education by his alma mater, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. Comer is now associate pastor emeritus of First Baptist Church in Richmond, where he directed the education program for 20 years.

Scout Bible money sought

United Methodists, through the General Board of Discipleship involved with Scouting, are raising funds to buy backpacker Bibles for all youths who attend the Philmont Scout Ranch this summer in New Mexico. In 1995, more than 6,000 campers received such free Scriptures. More were needed.

NAACP rally tonight

New Dimensional Church of God in Christ, 1811 Forest Road, Bedford, will be the site of an NAACP rally tonight at 6. Greta Evans, Roanoke TV personality, will speak for the group, which will include representatives of several churches.

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by CNB