Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, March 24, 1996                 TAG: 9603220023
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 10   EDITION: METRO 


Roanoke's Barbara Johnson has the title role in the Barter Theatre production ``Woman in Light,'' being performed through April 14 at Abingdon United Methodist Church.

Johnson plays Mary, the mother of Jesus, in this play by Charles Turner.

As the scene is set, Mary addresses Luke, who has come to her as he writes his Gospel. She tells him the story of Jesus, from the Immaculate Conception through the Resurrection, as she sees it.

``It's so easy to confine Mary to the little nativity set that we put on the mantel at Christmas,'' Johnson said recently. ``I try to set aside the whole range of expectations of Mary that we all have, and to find her heart in Charles Turner's words. ... To that, I try to add my own experience as a woman, a wife and a mother. The last thing I want to be is an icon with a fixed expression or a single image, and that's partly because I don't believe God takes away our personalities or our humanness.''

Johnson and her husband, Craig, have independently produced ``Woman in Light'' in other cities, including Roanoke.

``People are cautious about it,'' Barbara Johnson said. ``They wonder if it's true to the Bible or if it will be contrary to their understanding of Scripture.''

Johnson thinks viewers will be open to the story, especially around Easter.

She has performed excerpts of the play for churches and organizations. When they've asked to compensate her in some way, she has asked them to make donations to crisis pregnancy centers.

The Johnsons lost a child, Joshua, to crib death some years ago.

``When Joshua died, I was a believer,'' Barbara Johnson said. ``But I still had moments when I wondered if I could keep on breathing, if I could take the next step. I believe that Mary, at the cross, felt that pain just as intensely. I try to present that in a way that is approachable for the audience.''

The performance is being held in the church, a block away from the Barter Theatre, while the theater undergoes renovation. Call1-800-368-3240.

LENGTH: Short :   47 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  Barbara Johnson has the title role in ``Woman in 


by CNB