Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, March 24, 1996                 TAG: 9603250024
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C-11 EDITION: METRO 
                                             TYPE: LETTER


I would like to applaud L. Ann Overstreet for her letter to the editor concerning Jack Bogaczyk's feature on Radford University women's basketball player Patti Fisher. It's hard to believe someone would even have the audacity to complain that the article should never have been written, as Joyce Simmons of Roanoke did.

Having had my aspirations of playing collegiate athletics shattered in a car accident just three weeks after my high school graduation, I can only begin to empathize with Fisher's triumphs. In a world where athletes squeeze every penny from their owners and people never seem happy with their occupation, Patti's courage, determination and dedication to what she loves should be a lesson to us all.

It's just sad that others don't see it that way!



More coverage of volleyball

I am a junior at William Byrd High School, and I'm very disappointed in the coverage of girls' volleyball in your sports section.

As a member of the varsity team for three years, I don't feel our sport has gotten the coverage it deserves. As I look through the paper after our big district game and see headlines such as ``The high price of success,'' the story about Patti Fisher and how she played basketball and can take care of a baby, too, it is totally ridiculous. Don't get me wrong; I commend her on her ability to juggle school, basketball and a baby, but I think there is better news out there.

Women's sports just don't seem as important in your paper.



Please write to:

Sports Mailbag

P.O. Box 2491

Roanoke, 24010

Letters should include signature, full address and, for verification only, phone number. All letters are edited. Letters of 200 words or less are given preference.

LENGTH: Short :   50 lines

by CNB