Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, March 28, 1996               TAG: 9603280063
SOURCE: Associated Press


MOM OF FOUR SAID she forgot about the movies and the tapes were overlooked in the bustle of a busy household.

Denise Lawrence, who didn't return her videotapes on time, won't return to court this week for trial. She pleaded no contest to failing to return ``Dumb and Dumber,'' ``Black Beauty'' and two other tapes.

``She didn't want to be in the spotlight anymore,'' said her attorney, Greg Webb.

Lawrence, 24, drew national attention after she was arrested in front of her four young children and charged with a felony in October.

Lawrence said she forgot about the tapes and they were overlooked in the bustle of a busy household.

She was scheduled for trial Friday in Spotsylvania County Circuit Court for failing to return rental property. She faced up to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine.

Lawrence had insisted on the jury trial after backing out of a plea bargain in November. She was convicted of a misdemeanor then, and fined $25.

Lawrence appealed, but later reconsidered, her attorney said. She reached an agreement with Commonwealth's Attorney William Neely on Tuesday, Webb said.

Under the deal, the charges will be dismissed as long as she remains out of trouble with the law for six months.

Lawrence rented the tapes July 12. Store employees say they tried to contact her by phone and sent her a registered letter asking for the tapes.

Lawrence contends she never received a call. The letter was returned to the store unopened because there was no one home.

At that point, the store notified police.

The store considered the matter closed when Lawrence paid her fine in November, the manager said Wednesday.

``It was over for us a long time ago,'' the store manager said. He would not give his name.

Lawrence still holds a Video Club membership card, but ``we haven't seen her in a while,'' the manager said.

LENGTH: Short :   48 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  (headshot) Lawrence.

by CNB