Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, March 28, 1996               TAG: 9603290034


THE ROANOKE SCHOOL SYSTEM has announced its science fair winners. Grand award winners will go to regional competition on Saturday at Hollins College. The grand award winners are:

William Fleming High School - Jayme Sawyer, Brent Elliot, Tasha N. Willoughby, Aaron M. Lee, Stephanie Lane, Elizabeth Bird

Patrick Henry High School - Jonathan Helms, Sarah Wray, Daniel Daum, Donovan King, Ann Blair Hanes

Roanoke Valley Governor's School - Beth Rhodes, Sarah Turner, Garrett Lee Lancaster Jr., Graham Field, Alan Wagstaff, Gordon Lawson, Britt Simmons, John Hardwick, Yaron Rachlin, Thomas Steven Salter Jr., Jonathan Kurshan, Jennifer Rogers, Abigail Ferrance, Annie Eure, Bradley Matthews, Abby Fifer.

LeAnn Whitlock Memorial for Excellence in Middle School Science winners are:

Madison Middle School - Julia Wilsie and Layne Wilson.

Breckinridge Middle School - Whitney Snider, Meagan M. Meador and Sarah Caldwell.

Wilson Middle School - Matthew McLeod, Elizabeth Wade, Joseph Greene, Laura Wolthuis and Herrick Durham.

Ruffner Middle School - Jennifer Ann Campbell and Lisa Patterson.

Addison Middle School - Justin A. Owens, Lauren Dearing Russo, Alan Rowlett and Evan Lineberry.

Central Council PTA most promising projects winner are:

William Fleming - Jennifer Nunley, Jason Camp and Katie Camper.

Patrick Henry - Scott Katz, Will Krause, Tom Bohdal and Doug Nolan.

Madison Middle School - Eric Alger, Katie Young and Robert A. Krause.

Ruffner Middle School - Ashley Poindexter.

Breckinridge Middle School - Adam Hill.

Other winners are as follows:

Team Projects - life science: Jayme Sawyer and Brent Elliott, William Fleming, first place; Tashas N. Willoughby and Aaron M. Lee, William Fleming, second place; Jonathan Helms and Sarah Wray, Patrick Henry, third place.

Medicine and health and microbiology - Daniel Daum, Patrick Henry, first place; Beth Rhodes, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, second place; Taharee Webb, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, third place.

Team projects - physical science: Sarah Turner and Garrett Lee Lancaster Jr., Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place; Graham Field and Alan Wagstaff, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, and Gordon Lawson, Britt Simmons and John Hardwick, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, tied for second place.

Computer science, mathematics and engineering - Yaron Rachlin, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place; Thomas Steven Salter Jr., Roanoke Valley Governor's School, second place; Daniel Parsons, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, third place.

Physics - Jonathan Kurshan, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place; Scott Light, Patrick Henry, second place; Margaret Cobey, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, third place.

Environmental science - Annie Eure, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place; Jennifer Rogers, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, and Abigail Ferrance, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, tied for second place; Lauren Willis, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, third place.

Botany - Donovan King, Patrick Henry, first place; Stephanie Lane, William Fleming, second place; Allyson Ayers, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, third place.

Behavior and social sciences - Jennifer Compton, William Fleming, first place; Andy Luckett, Patrick Henry, second place; Travis Kyger, Patrick Henry, third place.

Biochemistry and chemistry - Ann Blair Hanes, Patrick Henry, first place; Elizabeth Bird, William Fleming, and Bradley Matthews, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, second place; Gary Slates, William Fleming, third place.

Zoology - Abby Fifer, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place; Adam Childers, Patrick Henry, second place

Other Middle School Division winners are:

Team projects - life science: Julia Wilsie and Layne Wilson, Madison Middle School, first place; Mary Beth Ellis and Erin Olson, Wilson Middle School, second place.

Chemistry - Whitney Snider, Breckinridge Middle School, first place; Matthew McLeod, Wilson Middle School, second place; Wonder Starr Reed, Wilson Middle School, third place.

Team Projects - physical science: Reed Saul and Brandon Renick, Madison Middle School, first place; Ryan Bell and Matt Williams, Wilson Middle School, second place; Mary Heide and Marisa Jane Lyman, Ruffner Middle School, third place.

Botany - Elizabeth Wade, Wilson Middle School, first place; Jennifer Ann Campbell, Ruffner Middle School, first place; Meagan M. Meador, Breckinridge Middle School, second place; Coral Dickens, Addison Middle School, second place; Brian David Edwards, Addison Middle School, third place; Jennifer Lesley Gray, Wilson Middle School, third place.

Environmental science - Justin A. Owens, Addison Middle School, first place; Timmy Mullins, Madison Middle School, second place; Jessica Hayden, Breckinridge Middle School, third place.

Behavorial and social sciences - Lauren Dearing Russo, Addison MIddle School, first place; Sarah Caldwell, Breckinridge Middle School, second place

Engineering and mathematics - Alan Rowlett, Addison Middle School, first place; Robert McCleary, Addison Middle School, second place; Bret Miller, Breckinridge Middle School, third place.

Medicine and health and microbiology - Evan Lineberry, Addison Middle School, first place; Melissa Williams, Addison Middle School, second place

Physics - Joseph Greene, Wilson Middle School, first place; Herrick Durham, Wilson Middle School, first place; Laura Wolthuis, Wilson Middle School, second place; Lisa Patterson, Ruffner Middle School, second place; Bryan James Moore, Wilson Middle School, third place; Lisa Damico, Wilson Middle School, third place; Sarah Partington, Wilson Middle School, third place.

Special awards winners are:

American Association of University Women - Annie Eure, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place.

U.S. Air Force, senior division - Yaron Rachlin, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place; Graham Field and Alan Wagstaff, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, second place.

U.S. Air Force, middle school division - Joseph Greene, Wilson Middle School, first place; Bret Miller, Breckinridge Middle School, second place.

U.S. Army - Yaron Rachlin, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place; Graham Field and Alan Wagstaff, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, second place; Sarah Turner and Garrett Lee Lancaster Jr., Roanoke Valley Governor's School, third place; Abby Fifer, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, fourth place; Taharee Webb, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, fifth place.

U.S. Navy and Marines winners are:

Roanoke Valley Governor's School - Yaron Rachlin, Abigail Ferrance and Annie Eure.

William Fleming High School - Jason Camp.

Eastman Kodak Co. winner is:

Roanoke Valley Governor's School - Abigail Ferrance.

Science Museum of Western Virginia Spotlight award winners are:

Ruffner Middle School - Teresa Witcher, Liza Smoker and Ashley Poindexter.

Wilson MIddle School - Wonder Starr Reed.

Breckinridge Middle School - Jessica Hayden, Anette Martin and Mary Lewis.

Addison Middle School - Raymond Coffey and Amber McCreary.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics - Yaron Rachlin, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place.

United States Metric Association - Jennifer Rogers, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place.

National Association of Corrosion Engineers - Whitney Snider, Breckinridge Middle School.

Smoke Free Society by the Year 2000 - Taharee Webb, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place.

Yale Science and Engineering Associations Inc. - Elizabeth Bird, William Fleming High School.

Iota Sigma Pi National Society for Women in Chemistry - Ann Blair Hanes, Patrick Henry High School, first place.

Association for Women Geoscientists - Abigail Ferrance, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place; Annie Eure, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, second place; Lauren Willis, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, third place.

Junior Engineering Technical Society - Yaron Rachlin, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration winners are:

Roanoke Valley Governor's School - Yaron Rachlin

William Fleming - Jason Camp

Office of Technology and Information Services, senior division - Yaron Rachlin, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, first place; Thomas Steven Salter Jr., Roanoke Valley Governor's School, and Gordon Lawson, Britt Simmons and John Hardwick, Roanoke Valley Governor's School, second place.

Office of Technology and Information Services, middle school division - Reed Saul and Bradon Renick, Madison Middle School, first place; Herrick Durham, Wilson Middle School, second place; Jason Hultquist, Addison Middle School, second place.

Southern Photo and Print winner is: Addison Middle School - Evan Lineberry.

ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS have announced the names of the 1996 Science Fair Division winners. The first-, second- and third-place winners will represent Roanoke County in the Western Virginia Regional Science Fair on Saturday at Hollins College.

Behavorial and social science - Stacy Graves, Cave Spring High School, first place; Connie Yearout, Northside High School, second place; Perry Divers Taylor Jr., Glenvar High School, third place; Shane Smith, Northside High School, honorable mention.

Botany/zoology - Rachael Perrott, Cave Spring, first place; Virginia Ebbett, Northside High School, second place; Brian Sutton, William Byrd High School, third place; Paula Katz, Cave Spring, honorable mention; Jeremy Camdem, William Byrd High School, honorable mention.

Chemistry - Curtis Layton, Cave Spring, first place; Jackie Balzer, Cave Spring, second place; Sarah Jordahl, Cave Spring, third place; Lisa LaPlant, Cave Spring, honorable mention; Jason DiCarlo, Cave Spring, honorable mention; Sarah Payne, Hidden Valley Junior High School, honorable mention; Graham Rollins, Cave Spring, honorable mention.

Environmental science/earth and space sciences - KaLee Farris, Northside High School, first place; Brad Weaver, Cave Spring, second place; Matt Lyden, William Byrd High School, third place; Danielle Ritter, Cave Spring High School, honorable mention.

Medicine/health/biochemistry/microbiology - Maneesh Jain, Cave Spring High School, first place; Lynn Moore, Cave Spring High School, second place; Julie Plagenhoef, Cave Spring High School, third place; Julie Hall, Cave Spring High School, honorable mention; Amanda Harpold, Cave Spring High School, honorable mention; Suzanne Squires, Cave Spring High School, honorable mention; Tera Tyree, William Byrd High School, honorable mention.

Physics/mathematics/engineering - Ryan McClung, Cave Spring High School, first place; Paul Gross, Cave Spring High School, second place; Harry Kessler IV, Cave Spring Junior High School, third place; Michael Bono, Cave Spring High School, honorable mention; Andrew Strelka, Glenvar High School, honorable mention; Seth Wood, Northside High School, honorable mention.

Team Projects - Sarah Alrey, Northside High School, Jennifer O'Meara, Azadeh Iranmanesh, both Cave Spring High School, first place; Kristen Clingenpeel and Tiffany Gray, William Byrd High School, honorable mention.

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