Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Monday, April 1, 1996                  TAG: 9604010120
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 3    EDITION: METRO 


Volunteers sought

The 1996 Roanoke Valley Scholarship Pageant, scheduled for May 4, is looking for contestants, committee volunteers, scholarship patrons and sponsors.

For more information, call 774-4668 or 245-7419.

Salem High reunion

The Salem High School class of 1986 will hold its 10-year reunion Aug. 2-3.

The event will include a Meet & Greet Aug. 2 at Mac 'n' Bob's Restaurant, a family picnic in Longwood Park on Aug. 3, and a social that evening at Holiday Inn, Salem.

For more information, call 343-9064 or 864-6794.

Breckinridge reunion

A reunion for all who have served on the staff and faculty at Breckinridge School will be held April 13 at the school in Roanoke. Activities will begin at 3 p.m. with a buffet dinner following at 6 p.m.

The $13 per person reservation fee is due by Wednesday. Reservations should be sent to Dottie Lipscomb, 7035 Irondale Circle, Roanoke, Va. 24019.

For more information, call Lipscomb, 362-4656; Rolanda Moore, 343-2717; or Lois Hopkins, 366-9408.

Poindexter reunion

The relatives of Robert and Mary Poindexter of Franklin County and Silas, John, Ned and Edward Poindexter are planning a reunion.

Call Douglas Poindexter at 427-5457 or Paulette Roberts at 366-5825.

Science fair today

DUBLIN - Science fair projects by about 80 students from more than 20 high schools were judged Friday and will be available for public viewing from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today at New River Community College in Edwards Hall.

The awards ceremony is scheduled for 3 p.m. today. Students with the top projects will win a trip to Tucson, Ariz., to compete in the international engineering and science exposition with about 1,200 others from the U.S. and 35 other countries. They will visit Biosphere II and take other educational tours.

The annual Blue Ridge Science Fair is sponsored by New River and Wytheville Community Colleges which, along with two other community colleges in Southwest Virginia, will be offering scholarships among the awards.

Other awards will come from the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force, the American Association of University Women and Virginia Tech. The Carolina Biology Supply Co. will offer a $600 microscope as its award, and four $500 Savings Bonds will be awarded in the junior division in memory of student Todd Cassell.

Various companies are helping with this year's fair in other ways, including Wade's Foods which is providing breakfast for the some 80 judges and lunch for all fair participants today.

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by CNB