Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, April 3, 1996               TAG: 9604030075


Fiber optics open house

DUBLIN - New River Community College will hold an open house for its new fiber optics program on April 11, from 2 to 5 p.m., in Edwards Hall.

The first year of study is designed to establish a general base in mathematics and electronic circuits. The second year covers computers, communications, microprocessors, laser and optical electronics. Upon completion, students are awarded an associate degree in electronics.

Call the Division of Industrial Technologies at 674-3607 or ext. 607 at 921-4595, 382-4595 or 745-4595.

Kindergarten registration

CHRISTIANSBURG - Montgomery County Public Schools will hold kindergarten registration from April 22-26. Registration will be held at each of the 12 public schools daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Parents should bring children's Social Security cards and birth certificates.

Call Doris McElfresh at 382-5120.

Former Bear to speak

BLACKSBURG - Mike Singletary, former Chicago Bears player, will speak to students participating in Virginia Tech's Upward Bound and Talent Search program on April 13.

The program provides academic, career, college and personal assistance for students in grades 6 through 12 and helps them prepare for post-secondary education. The majority of students participating in the program come from low-income families where neither parent has earned a four-year college degree.

Call Tiffany L. McNierney at 231-6911.

Child abuse conference

RADFORD - April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Blue ribbons will appear on jacket lapels as a reminder that there are many abused and neglected children in our society.

The fifth annual Conference for Child Abuse Prevention Month will be held on April 25, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Albans Hospital in Radford. The topic for the conference is "The Family Violence-Youth Violence Connection."

Terry DeCarbo, principal of PACE Alternative School will present "Perspectives on Gang and Youth Violence."

Children who are victims of child abuse are very susceptible to being drawn into gangs. Some people see gang activity as a big city problem and do not realize that it exists in rural areas. DeCarbo will discuss how to recognize signs of and solutions to the problem of gang and youth violence. The cost is $10 and the registration deadline is April 18. Call Tammy Heft at 674-4574 or Joyce Beliveau at 961-2102.

Volunteers sought

CHRISTIANSBURG - The Humane Society of Montgomery County needs volunteers for their Pets-n-People program. Volunteers take their pets to visit residents of local nursing homes and retirement homes.

Volunteers with cats and dogs who are predictable and outgoing are needed to share their pets. Pets should be receptive to petting, be well-groomed and have up-to-date vaccinations. Volunteers without pets are also welcome to visit residents.

Call Sarah Hartnett at 951-3559.

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