Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, April 4, 1996                TAG: 9604040041
COLUMN: Computer Bits


THERE'S BOUND TO BE a program that fits your needs, equipment and operating system. Because much of it is shareware or freeware, it's bound to be easy on the wallet or pocketbook, too.

It has been said that a genealogist is someone who traces his ancestry back as far as his money will go. Thanks to computers, the Internet and the increasing number of people taking up what may be America's most popular hobby, watering the family tree is easier on wallet or purse these days.

Among the help available in the world of shareware and freeware are these files:

ADVICE (DOS) - Novices and old hands are likely to find useful tips and names and addresses in a compilation called ROOTS3.ZIP. It includes a guide for beginners, a list of local publications that can help, a listing of genealogical societies, a dictionary of terms for researchers and a thorough discussion of record-keeping. ``Jewish Genealogy for Beginners'' includes not only advice on tracing Jewish roots but an excellent general bibliography on genealogy and useful advice on tracking down ancestors in the United States and Europe. Earlier versions may still be found as TRACEJR.ZIP. The current version is JGHOW1.ZIP.

Get help with British records in files from England's Public Records Office. Two useful ones are PRO02.TXT.ZIP and PRO28TXT.ZIP.

BBS LIST (DOS) - Each month, Richard Cleaveland in Arlington issues a list of genealogy-oriented computer bulletin boards for the National Genealogical Society. The current list is GBBS9603.ZIP.

INTERNET RESOURCES (DOS) - Internet research is greatly aided by ``Genealogy Resources on the Internet,'' a listing prepared by Chris Gaunt and John Fuller. The current version is in GRI-0396.ZIP.

You may even find a Web page devoted to research into your family.

BROTHER'S KEEPER (Windows) - The classic of shareware genealogy programs - handsome graphics and a point-and-shoot selection of family records - can be found in some places as BKWIN01.ZIP and in others as BKWIN52.ZIP. If you have the DOS version, this one can install in the same directory and use the same files.

ROOTS MASTER, EZ-TREE (DOS) - Easy to use but thorough, either program can handle an unlimited number of people and generations. Print ancestor and descendant charts and a wide variety of reports. Look for ROOTS2.ZIP and EZT231.ZIP.

HERITAGE (Mac, System 7) - The latest version (2.17) of this shareware program features freeform entry, tracking and displaying of photos.

GENE (Mac) - You can throw just about any kind and amount of ancestral data its way, and Gene will sort it out and help you make sense of a family tree that has branches all over the place. Shareware.

GENEALOGY PRO (Mac, but not Plus or SE, System 7) - Start entering information, dates, people's names, and soon this slick commercial program will be drawing family trees for you. The demo version is limited, but you will get a good idea of the program.

REUNION (Mac) - You can reach back as far as 99 generations. The demo version is limited to 35 people per family, but it's generous in other respects: family groups, histories, charts, even mail merge and mailing list functions.

Shareware is available from bulletin boards and America Online (keyword ``Mercury''). Users try them, then pay a fee to register if they decide to use them regularly.

For copies of all the IBM genealogy programs reviewed in this column send $20, $15 for the Macintosh programs, to Shareware, P.O. Box 7037, Long Beach, CA 90807. To order with a credit cards, call (800) 395-7797.

- Noah Matthews, Knight-Ridder Newspapers

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To contribute to this regular Thursday column or for more information, call 981-3237 or 981-3393, or send your e-mail to skelly2180@AOL.COM.

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by CNB