Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Monday, April 8, 1996                  TAG: 9604090030
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1    EDITION: METRO 
COLUMN: Extra Credit 


Name: Nat Joiner

Age: 15

School: Salem High School

Year: Freshman

What he's done for others: Nat has volunteered in the radiation oncology department at Lewis-Gale Hospital for the past two years. He transports patients, helps the nurses, does computer work, runs errands and offers assistance in any way he can.

``One of the reasons I went to that department at Lewis-Gale was because my grandfather had cancer," Nat said. "It helped me understand how to help him.''

Nat received the 0utstanding Youth Volunteer Award from the American Red Cross in 1994 and 1995.

``I encouraged Nat to volunteer because I thought it would help him deal with his grandfather's illness,'' said Patty Altizer, volunteer coordinator at the hospital. ``I wish I had a dozen like him. He's always willing to work.

"It's nice to have a volunteer you can depend on. Nat just takes charge and gets the job done. They love him back there.''

``Nat is a fine young man,'' agreed Peggy Rash, his great aunt and the one who nominated him for this column. ``He's very mature, very caring. He helped tend to his grandfather and spent time with him.

``Nat's been very active in volunteering. Most young boys don't do something like that. I would be proud to call him my son.''

Nat is working toward a Congressional Award, sponsored by the Red Cross and his school. To qualify, he must work on several projects requiring physical and personal development and complete 400 hours of volunteer service. Nat hopes to complete the prerequisites by the time he is 18. The award is recommended by a U.S. senator, and signed by the president.

Other activities: Nat is active in his school's German club and plays lacrosse and junior varsity football. He also maintains an honor roll average.

I would like people to think of me as: ``... a person who helps other people and gives back to the community.''

In my free time I like to: ``... play sports, fish and be with my family.''

What I'd like to change about the world: ``I'd like to get rid of cancer and other diseases that are plaguing people.''

What I'd like to change about myself: ``I'd like to get in better shape and do better in school. I also want to help my grandmother more since my grandfather passed away [last month].''

Most important issue facing teen-agers today: ``... is school, getting good grades and succeeding to go on.''

The toughest lesson I've learned so far is: ``... to work hard. I've learned it through a lot of different things.''

My greatest thrill has been: ``... when we won the Valley Cup Championship in lacrosse and were undefeated in football.''

My major goal in life is: ``... to succeed and to help other people.''

People I most admire: ``My father, because of what he's come through." Nat declined to elaborate but said his dad has "had to come up through a lot. I admire his hard work ethic. He never quits anything.

``My mom has been a main influence. She's always wanted me to do my best.''

Future plans: ``I want to go to college.''

LENGTH: Medium:   72 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  Salem High School freshman Nat Joiner:  One of the 

reasons he became a volunteer in the radiation oncology department

at Lewis-Gale Hospital "was because my grandfather had cancer," Nat

said. "It helped me understand how to help him.'' color.

by CNB