Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, April 10, 1996              TAG: 9604100037


THE ARREST of a suspect in the Unabomber case inspires more than the obvious hope that the bomber has been caught and stopped after a 17-year campaign of terror. Reports of the arrest also renew hope for the American character, as the story unfolds of the suspect's brother, a man faced with an agonizing choice.

David Kaczynski chose to protect innocent people, unknown to him, at the cost of his brother, whom he loves.

When letters from his reclusive older brother raised fears that Theodore might be connected in some way to the Unabomber, David took his suspicions to a private investigator. He wanted his suspicions disproved. When they were not, he and a lawyer went to the FBI.

He did this not for money - neither man was aware of a $1 million reward for any tip leading to the Unabomber's arrest, the lawyer said - nor for notoriety, the currency of today's pop culture. He did it, apparently, out of simple decency.

"David's sincere desire," his lawyer told the media, "was to make sure no further lives were lost."

Those who have experienced the joys and sorrows of the unconditional love that family members can have for each other might understand a little of this brother's pain.

Since Theodore's arrest, the younger Kaczynski has remained in seclusion, allowing his lawyer to make what public statements the family feels compelled to make. So far, there has been no bid for 15-minute celebrityhood, no "Men Whose Brothers Are Bombing Suspects" appearances on blab TV, not even interviews on legitimate news programs.

What there has been is a family trying to cope in dignified fashion with a private tragedy that also is a public, highly publicized criminal case. This, we can all stand reminding, is how people are supposed to act - even in an age of instant communication, an age in which book deals and movies of the week turn every adversity into entertainment.

No matter what turn events may take or what the outcome of the case against Theodore Kaczynski may be, the public is indebted to his brother for his willingness to set aside self-interest for the public interest - a rare act of heroism.

LENGTH: Short :   47 lines

by CNB