Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Monday, April 15, 1996                 TAG: 9604150065


THEIR BACKGROUNDS highlight the biggest differences among the four candidates for the Roanoke School Board.

There is little disagreement on the basics among the four finalists for the Roanoke School Board.

All say schools must first focus on reading, writing and arithmetic - and make sure students master the fundamentals.

They have suggestions for raising Roanoke test scores. They have proposals for improving student attendance and reducing the dropout rate.

All say schools must be kept free of illegal drugs and weapons. And all support the use of police officers and dogs to search classrooms, halls and lockers for drugs and guns.

The differences among the four come in their backgrounds and their ideas for dealing with certain education issues.

They are a diverse group, but all have a special interest in schools:

* Charles Day, a six-year School Board incumbent who is seeking reappointment, is a retired school principal, guidance counselor and coach who obtained much of his professional experience in the Roanoke Valley. The father of two grown children who attended city schools, Day is a part-time counselor at Virginia Western Community College.

* Martin Jeffrey, director of community development and outreach for Total Action Against Poverty, has three children in city schools. He said he feels a deep sense of obligation to help improve the community and schools.

* James Lowe, head of construction administration for Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern, is a member of the Virginia Technology Council and has a special interest in the issue of educational basics and computers. He does not have children, but he is a Junior Achievement volunteer in schools. |* Brian Wishneff, president of his own planning and management-consultin firm, has three children in city schools. He wants Roanoke to offer an education equal in quality to any place in the country.

Roanoke is one of the few cities in Virginia where school board members are still appointed by the governing body. Most localities have switched to elected school boards.

Eight people applied for the two board seats with terms that begin July1.

Finn Pincus, a six-year board member whose term expires June 30, is not seeking reappointment because he wants to devote more time to his job as cross country and track coach at Roanoke College.

Council selected four finalists for public interviews April 25. The executive committee of the Roanoke Education Association, a teachers' organization, has recommended that council fill the two seats from three finalists: Day, Jeffrey and Wishneff. It did not recommend Lowe.

Residents can submit proposed questions for the finalists to the City Clerk by Thursday. Council members may use the questions but are not required to do so.

No meetings are scheduled in which residents can question the finalists, but The Roanoke Times asked them for their views on some school issues.


Age: 61

Address: 1830 Grayson Ave. N.W.

Education: Virginia State University, bachelor of science; Radford University, master of science. Additional studies at University of Virginia and Hampton University.

Occupation: Retired principal; part-time counselor at Virginia Western Community College.

Marital status: Married. Wife: Hilda.

Children: Charles R. Day, a graduate of Virginia State University; Charlene R. Day, a graduate of UVa with a master's degree from Hollins College, now in law school at Indiana University.

School-related activities: Roanoke School Board, 1990-1996; former elementary, middle and high school principal; guidance counselor; teacher; football and basketball coach.

Telephone: Home, 342-6392; work, 857-7583.

Quote: ``By serving on the Roanoke School Board, I will be able to provide a service to the community by ensuring that all students receive a quality education that will prepare them to become responsible citizens, further their education and [find] productive employment."


Age: 33

Address: 2901 Bradley St. N.E.

Education: Connors State College, Warner, Okla.; Roanoke College.

Occupation: Director, Community Development and Outreach, Total Action Against Poverty.

Marital status: Single

Children: Jessica, 10; Broderick, 9; Cedric, 7.

School-related activities: Garden City Elementary Parent-Teacher Association, vice president; Roanoke PTA Central Council; Roanoke City Schools Long-range Planning Committee; Roanoke City Schools Budget Advisory Committee; Breckinridge Middle School PTSA; Preston Park Primary School Classroom Dad.

Telephone: Home, 563-0849; work, 345-6781, Ext. 372.

Quote: ``I'm seeking a seat on the Roanoke City School Board because of a deep personal sense of obligation as a parent and a citizen to use every available opportunity to help improve the community where my children and I live."


Age: 40

Address: 2414 Lincoln Ave. S.W.

Education: Virginia Tech, bachelor of science in civil engineering; George Washington University, master of engineering administration; George Mason University School of Law, law degree.

Occupation: Head, Construction Administration Department, Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern Inc.

Marital status: Married. Wife: Tami.

Children: None.

School-related activities: Junior Achievement volunteer.

Telephone: Home, 344-5927; work, 857-3263.

Quote: ``First, I believe that my educational and professional background would enable me to make a significant contribution to the School Board in the exercise of its duties and responsibilities. Second, I believe we must each find a way to make a positive difference in our communities."


Age: 43

Address: 2330 Mount Vernon Road S.W.

Education: Virginia Tech, bachelor of arts in political science, and master's in urban planning.

Occupation: President, Brian Wishneff & Associates, a consulting firm.

Marital status: Married. Wife, Andrea.

Children: Erik, 16; Parker, 10; Taylor, 5.

School-related activities: Parent-Teacher Association member and coach of Little League basketball and baseball for more than 10 years.

Telephone: Home, 342-5681; work, 982-1317.

Quote: ``I have three children in the school system. I am vitally interested as a parent and a citizen of this valley that Roanoke offer an education equal to any place in this country. Partnerships between the schools and the private sector will need to be forged by top school systems, and I can assist in this effort."

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