Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Tuesday, April 16, 1996                TAG: 9604160066
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-1  EDITION: METRO 


Cyclists will have their eyes on the mountains and their minds on their checkbooks during Stage 5 of the 1996 Tour DuPont.

Cycle Roanoke Valley, Inc. officials announced Monday that the May 5 stage from Mount Airy, N.C., to Roanoke will be the second richest leg of the 12-day event. Approximately $25,000 worth of performance incentives will be up for grabs. The only stage with a greater purse will be Stage 9 from Blowing Rock, N.C., to Charlotte, where $28,000 is available.

Local award sponsorships include $2,500 to the overall Stage 5 winner and three $1,000 gifts to the winner of the mountain climbs in Franklin County. Medalist Sports, Inc., organizer of the Tour DuPont, also has lined up the largest performance award for Stage 5, $10,000 to the rider with the fastest time in a sprint line in Stuart.

The big checks are expected to have an impact on the Mount Airy-Roanoke stage, and in turn, the entire race. According to Medalist vice president Steve Brunner, some riders were hoping to save themselves for the rigors of the 134-mile Stage 6 (Salem to Blacksburg) by taking it easy in Stage 5.

Meanwhile, a series of ancillary events have been planned for downtown Roanoke, site of the Stage 5 finish. The events include a bike rodeo conducted by the Blue Ridge Bike Club at the parking lot of Church Avenue and Williamson Road; a ``Tyke Bike'' race at the actual race finish line on Jefferson Street featuring children on tricycles; a show by an aerial bike stunt team and a food court near the finish.

Cycle Roanoke is also holding a golf tournament April 26 at Hanging Rock. Lunch is at 11:30 a.m., with the tournament set to tee off at 1 p.m. For more information on the golf tournament, call Brian Duncan at 772-2095.

LENGTH: Short :   38 lines

by CNB