Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, April 18, 1996               TAG: 9604180072
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B1   EDITION: METRO 


THE RADFORD RESIDENT qualifies for his second shooting competition at the Summer Games in Atlanta.

Ben Amonette got what he wanted Monday when he made the 1996 Olympic free pistol team. On Wednesday, he got what he really wanted; he made the Summer Games in Atlanta in the air pistol event, too.

``I'm particularly glad to make it in the air pistol,'' the Radford resident said by telephone from his home. ``I think if I had my choice, at this point, I prefer the air pistol more.''

Ammonette placed second in the air pistol trials at the Wolf Creek Shooting Complex in Atlanta with 681.6 points. First-place Neal Caloia of Cottage Grove, Ore., edged him with 681.9 points. Caloia and Ammonette also were first and second, respectively, in the free pistol.

Ammonette, 41, said another benefit of making it in two events was the fact he would get more practice and opportunities to win a medal at the Atlanta Games. The free pistol competition will be held July 21 and the air pistol July 23.

``I'm glad for it,'' he said.

Ammonette left Atlanta immediately after Wednesday's competition, but will catch a flight back for Saturday's World Cup.

LENGTH: Short :   33 lines

by CNB